Hi there,
I'm new to this site and haven't got any of the VSL software. I'm looking to possibly commission someone to produce a realization for me of an original score that I have, and I'm curious as to how much someone with the necessary experience and software might charge to do it. The reason I'm not doing the realization myself is that I only need to do this once, for this particular piece, and the expense and time involved in buying and learning to use VSL, GS and a sequencer like Logic isn't really justified in my case.
The piece is Hermann-esque in style and is scored for full orchestra:
Violin section (mostly straight forward articulations, but some con-sordino, harmonics and portamento effects in all of the strings except bass and cello)
Viola section
Cello section
Bass section
Flute (3)
Oboe (2)
Cor Anglais in F
Clarinet in Bb (2)
Bass Clarinet
Bassoon (3)
Horn in F (4)
Trumpet in Bb (3)
Tenor Trombone (3)
Bass Trombone
Percussion: Timpani; Snare drum; China crash; Large sizzle cymbal; Large crash cymbals; Triangle; Tam-Tam; Crotales; Xylophone.
Harp (with some harmonics)
Obviously I realize how much someone would charge depends very much on the length of the piece and how involved the orchestration is. It plays somewhere around 9 minutes, although it's slow, and at times the orchestration is fairly complex. I can provide a Sibelius 3 file for you to look at, or a MIDI file from Sibelius (although because of the way Sibelius generates the file a lot of instruments and effects don't play back correctly, e.g. snare rolls) to check out. I've got a few scores printed on A3 so whoever does this for me could havea copy of that, too.
I honestly have no idea what to expect to pay or if this is the correct forum to post my request in. The realization would be for non-commercial purposes (it's for an entrance into a composing competition, actually), if that makes any difference to the price. The score was originally recorded by a local youth orchestra, and while their performance was pretty good considering their age and experience, a lot of things were played incorrectly or the tempos were seriously out, so I need something that better demonstrates the intentions of the composer.
Anyway, hopefully there's someone here who might be interested or at least able to offer some advice!
I'm new to this site and haven't got any of the VSL software. I'm looking to possibly commission someone to produce a realization for me of an original score that I have, and I'm curious as to how much someone with the necessary experience and software might charge to do it. The reason I'm not doing the realization myself is that I only need to do this once, for this particular piece, and the expense and time involved in buying and learning to use VSL, GS and a sequencer like Logic isn't really justified in my case.
The piece is Hermann-esque in style and is scored for full orchestra:
Violin section (mostly straight forward articulations, but some con-sordino, harmonics and portamento effects in all of the strings except bass and cello)
Viola section
Cello section
Bass section
Flute (3)
Oboe (2)
Cor Anglais in F
Clarinet in Bb (2)
Bass Clarinet
Bassoon (3)
Horn in F (4)
Trumpet in Bb (3)
Tenor Trombone (3)
Bass Trombone
Percussion: Timpani; Snare drum; China crash; Large sizzle cymbal; Large crash cymbals; Triangle; Tam-Tam; Crotales; Xylophone.
Harp (with some harmonics)
Obviously I realize how much someone would charge depends very much on the length of the piece and how involved the orchestration is. It plays somewhere around 9 minutes, although it's slow, and at times the orchestration is fairly complex. I can provide a Sibelius 3 file for you to look at, or a MIDI file from Sibelius (although because of the way Sibelius generates the file a lot of instruments and effects don't play back correctly, e.g. snare rolls) to check out. I've got a few scores printed on A3 so whoever does this for me could havea copy of that, too.
I honestly have no idea what to expect to pay or if this is the correct forum to post my request in. The realization would be for non-commercial purposes (it's for an entrance into a composing competition, actually), if that makes any difference to the price. The score was originally recorded by a local youth orchestra, and while their performance was pretty good considering their age and experience, a lot of things were played incorrectly or the tempos were seriously out, so I need something that better demonstrates the intentions of the composer.
Anyway, hopefully there's someone here who might be interested or at least able to offer some advice!