this shows some progress but there is still a ways to go. The balance is pretty good but you may try referencing it against different recordings to make sure all the instruments maintain their perception of size in relation to each other. It may also help to solo each line and work with it until it sounds as effective as it can be. In no way will it sound quantzed if that is done. Take the viola part for example. it's nothing short of intensely wicked, and although you can approach it many different ways, if it doesn't get to that point, things are going to suffer. same with all the other parts. After all, an instrumentalist would not let something pass that wasn't all there. Do that for all the parts and they won't line up rhythmically perfect but they will communicate something. the thing that raises the most red flags for me is the lack of intensity and attention to the note durations and cutoffs. they sound a bit lazy (them not you!) and seem to sap the percussive elements of this piece which are so important. lastly, marcatto/sfz horns before the quieter section is an interesting idea. but if you are going to do it, it really could sound more natural to convey it, especially because it seems such a departure.
In all candor though, I have not conducted this piece live. I did render it in vsl among many others to work out my template. forget about asking me to post it though because i did it very roughly only to assess balances. but in that roughness was its magic. just keep up the good progress.
In all candor though, I have not conducted this piece live. I did render it in vsl among many others to work out my template. forget about asking me to post it though because i did it very roughly only to assess balances. but in that roughness was its magic. just keep up the good progress.