Yes, I think I'd prefer the second epitaph, thanks.
I agree with your point that going to the very basis of sound, instead of large scale "units" such as samples of instruments, will ultimately be very desirable in general. And I certainly don't reject new media.
However I am refering specifically to orchestral music, not all music. If we were discussing pure music synthesis, without reference to orchestral instruments, then you would be absolutely right. But we are talking about doing recordings of an orchestra playing music in its characteristic way. If it is done via samples, it is more natural than with a digitally created tone that has been made to sound like an instrument. In the case of samples, only the time element and the degree of specificity of expression is different than actually having an orchestra playing live in a recording. But in the case of the synthesizer, NOTHING is the same. It is entirely a fake. That was my point - in specific reference to orchestral recording or duplication of existing acoustic instruments.
Also, I am somewhat set off by the tone of this company - they are doing an outright aesthetic attack on sampling, saying it is artificial. But they are more aritificial, by definition. So my response is to their aesthetic critique which I find bogus.
By the way sir, your post reveals a fundamental bias against sampling - on the VSL website. Are you feeling a little bit conflicted these days? [6]
Yes, I think I'd prefer the second epitaph, thanks.
I agree with your point that going to the very basis of sound, instead of large scale "units" such as samples of instruments, will ultimately be very desirable in general. And I certainly don't reject new media.
However I am refering specifically to orchestral music, not all music. If we were discussing pure music synthesis, without reference to orchestral instruments, then you would be absolutely right. But we are talking about doing recordings of an orchestra playing music in its characteristic way. If it is done via samples, it is more natural than with a digitally created tone that has been made to sound like an instrument. In the case of samples, only the time element and the degree of specificity of expression is different than actually having an orchestra playing live in a recording. But in the case of the synthesizer, NOTHING is the same. It is entirely a fake. That was my point - in specific reference to orchestral recording or duplication of existing acoustic instruments.
Also, I am somewhat set off by the tone of this company - they are doing an outright aesthetic attack on sampling, saying it is artificial. But they are more aritificial, by definition. So my response is to their aesthetic critique which I find bogus.
By the way sir, your post reveals a fundamental bias against sampling - on the VSL website. Are you feeling a little bit conflicted these days? [6]