Right have them all execept for the legato patches... it seems they havent been uploaded (yet?)
Been wanting mutes forever. This is really, really nice.
Thanks to Herb and the whole VSL team. Very generous and extremely useful. Very classy, like the whole library.
Tom H
Holy moly Herb!
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thank you.
By the way, I hope to thank you personally at NAMM in a month. Still friends right?
And Happy Holidays!
Evan Evans
Merry Christmas Herb and team. Many thanks from this VERY satisfied PE user!
(I just picked up Horizon's French Oboe and wow! Has anyone else noticed that they get 'better and better' at sampling these instruments - and they started pretty darn good. It is just scary for the possibilities in the future!)
Hey didn't the 'concept'of Old St. Nick begin in Austria? Or was that Germany? Anyways - a great Christmas present!!!
The TrC leg and Tr-3 leg are absolutely wonderful - so playable and inpsiring right out of the box. Taikos are also quite good.