They were unsure about the delivery medium and considered delivering on a hard drive. I guess you can expect they still have to compress the files to keep the costs down, so you can't use that drive for streaming and have to install the library to your own drives just as right now from the DVDs.
If I had the library on a drive I would never use it for stream. Only for easy (and quick) installation.
That medium is so fragile...
On another side : how many hours to put the Synphonic Cube on a drive with DVDs ?
Two ? Three ? Maybe four, it depends of the size ...
With DVDs The first thing I would do is to buy a drive only for the DVD to drive transfer, to do it one time, definitively...
And then using that drive only for drive to drive transfers to provide our ‘Gigastudio farm’.
I couldn’t spend the half of a day to only transfer DVDs for all dead stream drive... IMO it’s impossible in a productive environment.
But can we spend 6000 bucks or more for a fragile drive, with possible virus infection ? Or being a ‘read only’ drive, maybe, why not...
An other dilemma...