hehe... elegant answer [H]
Hi Duoartc
I've posted this yesterday in a different topic:
For me the "Epic Violin sound" is a clever mix of large and small sections, and/or a solo instrument.
And it dont have to be always the same articulation.
Some examples:
VI-14_mV_0sus layered with Soloviolin perfornance legato.
for fast movements
Large string section performance legato - layered with small string section performane detaches
for articulated legato performances
Large string section performance legato piano - layered with small string section performance portamento (with reduced volume)
for a "piano portamento" effect.
again, endless options.
@herb said:
Which competition? [H]
The competition is: will Symphonic Cube or QLSOP Pro be released first?
I support VSL!
That is weird, I don't think the qlso strings sound realistic at all. [:D] But I am all for Epic Strings, even though Herb seems to resist the idea for now. [;)]@duoartc said:
Well Herb, I know that's tongue in cheek, and as much as I appreciate the work you've put into this library, I still wish your violins could sound more realistic. IMO the competition have a clear edge. So how about some epic strings?
while VSL is my favorite sampled orchestra I still like much of QLSO. However getting fast realistic violins from QLSO has been dicey at this point at best. VSL shines in this department.
I look forward to hearing EWQLSO Legato strings. I guess i'm hoping they will be more to my taste than the VSL ensemble ones. I would love to know if VSL could to a better job of sampling the ensemble today than they could back in the day, and if so - will they do it.
As I have said countless times, Solo Strings just sound so superb, no sucking sound or anything. So I would love to see some of that magic in some new string recordings.
A assume any iteration of an EPIC STRINGS would be a string orchestra of 80+ players, ie: 34 Violins, etc., etc., 12 Double Basses...
(Just in case Herb is listening)
Evan Evans
Well.. the strings dont have to be epic. Just revisited.
The reason I put a vote in for epic strings is that I feel chances of getting that are larger
actually, I think the biggest improvement for VSL would be a simpler way to find articulations. I have a lot of orchestral libraries and VIs, EWQLSO included, and VSL is by far the trickiest to find your way around.
so a user-friendliness enhancement would keep VSL ahead IMHO
just my two cents.
I still cannot understand how mixing chamber strings with section strings can lead to "epic strings" sound. Chamber or solo instrtuments always add more definition and detail, which is IMHO quite oposite to smooth, lush sound of large strings section (like 18+16 Vn.I+II). So for "epic sound" we actually need less detail and more magic (and I don't mean EQ[:)]
Anyway, it's good to see emerging competition of giant orchestral libraries.
Exciting race [:D]
I wonder what Herb has in his sleev for Symphonic Cube?
Exactly what I said in a similar post. Chamber strings will not increase the size of the strings, only their intimateness.
Evan Evans
P.S. EWQLSO uses QLegato. Apparently it is not purely a gimick, but it's creator also goes on record saying it is not using intervallic recording like VSL, and cannot compare. But it is somethign advanced and impressive, SO SAYS NICK.
EWQLSO uses QLegato. Apparently it is not purely a gimick, but it's creator also goes on record saying it is not using intervallic recording like VSL, and cannot compare. But it is somethign advanced and impressive, SO SAYS NICK.
Interesting, I guess that's some sort of real-time envelope manipulation + pitch bending then? I've often wondered if that would actually work. I still have to believe that the full recordings create a much better sound. Despite the occasional problems of mismatches, using true recordings has the advantage of using a wider variety of samples, and thus creates a more natural sounds (sometimes slight variations and flaws can work to your advantage).
You cannot do pitch bending to create legato! That is a synthesized grotesquerie because all components of the sound - fundamental, harmonics, transients, noise, everything - are "bent" at the same time. Utterly unlike legato acoustically or musically.
"QLegato" doesn't use intervals? What the hell does it use? Ironic, especially in light of GS3, with which you can create your own real legato instruments.