A couple of questions to get you going:
1. Do you think there can be great scores for terrible movies?
2. What are everyone's favourite examples of "suberbly inappropriate" film music? I mean music that's absolutely the opposite of what you'd expect if you saw the images in silence and guessed what the music might sound like (for example, Johann Strauss's "The Blue Danube" accompanying spaceships in "2001: A Space Oddysey")...
1. Do you think there can be great scores for terrible movies?
2. What are everyone's favourite examples of "suberbly inappropriate" film music? I mean music that's absolutely the opposite of what you'd expect if you saw the images in silence and guessed what the music might sound like (for example, Johann Strauss's "The Blue Danube" accompanying spaceships in "2001: A Space Oddysey")...