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    I have read you can use the performance tool with logic as a plug in,is it possible to do this with DP4 MOTU sequencer,maybe through their software sampler mach V, which loads gigastudio samples?[/b]

  • Not right now, but maybe the VSL team has some word on if they are making any efforts in that area.


    Evan Evans

  • welcome lalo,
    on the mac platform the performance tool currently works only as a plugin to exs. since it is more or less a midi processor it has to be chained between sequencer and sampler (emagic created a special interface for this) which is not possible for DP and machV at the current state.
    i'm not really familiar with machV, but from what i've seen and have been told the import of VSL instruments doesn't work too good and will leave you with a bunch of mapping work to make it as comfortable as in exs or giga.
    there is some development on the schedule regarding the performance tool for other samplers and we will keep you informed as soon as we have something usefull in our hands, not sure it will apply to machV though

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • just wondering,

    i know many people have converted VSL into Kontact and are quite happy. Would not the results work well for Kontackt in DP. Also in LA, people are running multiple macs and chaining Logic and DP together to get the use of EXS in DP. I believe in other words, there are work arounds.

  • craig,

    The Logic /DP set up allows for performance tool in Logic? Also are they syncing the two sequencers or just triggering sounds housed in EXS from DP?

    This could be an option for me which I hadn't thought of (I'm running two giga's from DP/G4 for now but a G5 could allow for the set you describe.)


    Dave Connor

  • I run a dedicated G5 for VSL within Logic, which is in turn MIDI triggered (not slaved or synced in any way) from my main G5 running Digital Performer. (search my previous posts on this which cover the setup in detail).It works great, but I'm hoping for a Mac Kontakt w/Perf. Tool. version.

  • craig, the question was about the performance tool - to convert just single note instruments works not too bad for kontakt. have you ever tried to do the same with machV?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Gary Lionelli said:

    I run a dedicated G5 for VSL within Logic, which is in turn MIDI triggered (not slaved or synced in any way) from my main G5 running Digital Performer. (search my previous posts on this which cover the setup in detail).It works great, but I'm hoping for a Mac Kontakt w/Perf. Tool. version.

    It seems that this is the workaround most DP users seem to use: buy an external machine, either another Mac or a PC. The reason I switched from Digital Performer to Logic is that the latter offered a complete solution in a package. Yes, VSL/G5/Logic worked like magic. That's a huge selling point.

    What I believe would be even greater however is to use the same approach by creating a complete VSL bundle for Mac users with a universal sampler like Kontakt. Develop the tools necessary to take away the headaches from those using DP and Cubase by offering both performance tool coupled with a viable streaming sampler that DP can recognize. The market impact alone seems to suggest that Motu would welcome some kind of collaborative effort to help sell their products as well as VSL's by offering a way for DP users to join the party.

    Not everyone who is a musician these days is a tech head. I say that VSL should consider yet another way to remove the headaches associated with this kind of "frankensteining" workarounds that DP users have had to endure and at the same time sell more copies of VSL?

    All My Best,

    Frederick Russ

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    Well - it appears that a Kontakt version is in the works, and that's straight from Herb himself - check out the HALion forums here:

    All My Best,

    Frederick Russ

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    @cm said:

    craig, the question was about the performance tool - to convert just single note instruments works not too bad for kontakt. have you ever tried to do the same with machV?


    i turned away from DP and went to Logic somewhat because I wished to use a one computer system and use VSL. I have resisted buying Mach 5 and hope to be able to continue to do so. A working version of VSL in Kontact or Mach 5 would allow me to consider a move back to the platform i am most familar with.

  • frederick, unfortunately you have to be a techhead ourdays or at least to have one in your team. VSL is a content provider and not responsible for various development of sequencer and sampler vendors. we try to do our best to make it as compatible as possible (remember: VSL is releasing still open platforms) - some prerequisites have to be provided by third parties and VSL is _not_ responsible for incompatibilities between any combination of any software which is currently on the market.
    if someone is not willing or not able to join something like a common standard it might happen we will leave it out of our preferenced scope.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks for your replies, I now have a clearer picture of what is involved in getting a system working with the VSL. I do however urge you to dervelop
    a Mac compatible VSL package, I am sure you would find many happy custumers who are very used to the Mac platform, which is used in many music production facilities.

  • lalo, i'm not saying VSL is not willing, it's just not as simple as you might want to have it. machV is unfortuately a special case and the format we choose initially for the mac platform was EXS, because it simply met the requirements. please don't expect to get everything overnight.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Christian:
    Thankyou very much for your prompt replies and interest on the subject,aside from the performance tool, I can anyways get alot of juice out of th VSL as is.using the samples as audio files,right? Thanks again

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    @LALO said:

    [...] I do however urge you to dervelop
    a Mac compatible VSL package, I am sure you would find many happy custumers who are very used to the Mac platform, which is used in many music production facilities.

    Uh - but ... Logic is Mac-_only_ ...? And EXS is Logic's proprietary sampler ... so I don't get the point, sorry ...


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • How does mach V compare to Kontakt, are they more or less the same thing or is Kontakt more PRO. I acquired Mach V because of its compatibility with Dp4 (both ARE MOTU), and I must confess,my ignorance of Kontakt. On the other hand Mach V is supposed to be a universal sampler,on reading specs Isee it reads EXS24,does this mean I can somehow use the performance tool ?
    LALO [*-)]:

  • I recently acquired the MachV,how is it in comparison to Kontakt?
    Iget the feeling Kontakt is more pro...
    Anyway on reading specs for Mach V,(which I got for compatibility with DP,and because it is a "universal sampler") I see it reads EXS24,does this mean I can somehow rig up the performance tool to my system ?[/i]

  • Greetings...newbie here,

    I would like to NOT learn a new sequencer/recorder.
    I have been away for 3 learning new jargon, who's who, etc.
    I'm working on a decision tree to get re-situated.
    Is the following correct?

    If I stay MOTU DP4 single computer:

    a. Kontakt = limited to Horizon with undefined wait for Opus 1


    b. EXS= access to all sets with performance limited by cpu/ram

    Else, if I stay MOTU DP 4 with 2 computers:

    a. Mac 1 = DP4 seq/rec Mac 2 = Kontact (limited library)or EXS (full library)


    b. Mac 1 = DP4 seq/rec PC 1 = Giga (full library)

    Else, if I abandon MAC:

    a. Start over...learn all new software (ugh).


    Thanks...and any tips for an old timer starting over.



  • dnb,

    For clarity, the EXS VSL Tool Instruments only work within LOGIC.

    Evan Evans

  • Thanks.

    I'm leaning toward staying DP4 on iMac 1.8gig and taking the plunge into Giga for the sample engine on a PC.

    Else, LOGIC.

    Would you rather learn Giga or LOGIC from scratch?
    If Giga...suggestion for rig?


