@William said:
However the entire concept of basing a criticism on whether a composer brings "something new to musical vocabulary" is absurd. In other words, the value of a piece of msic is based on whether it is new, not whether it is good. The problem with this is you can have a new piece of shit. Or an old fashioned work of genius. But many of today's composers' value systems are so skewed to originality at all costs that they overvalue to the point of absurdity the fact that no one ever heard a particular kind of sound. Therefore, it must be genius. Uh-huh. Yeah right.
Bill, you´re aware that this is an anti-romantic statement? [[;)]]
Huh, you had some strange dreams recently? Or concerts?
Basically I do agree with your initial statement, the thread subject, but I hardly know any composer living and working today whom you really could call a modernist. Even Boulez stopped being an "Avantgarde"-composer quite some time ago. (b.t.w. I heard at least two very impressive concerts of his music and one of them he also conducted. I really liked his work.)
At least here in Europe things changed quite a lot. When visiting friends at american academies few years ago I was quite surprised how "modernistic" they still thought. I had the feeling they wanted to be more hardcore "Darmstadt" than even the old protagonists were. But here during the last five or ten years a lot changed in this respect, maybe/probably in the States too. (that´s one of the reasons why I went to continue my composition-study NOW.)
At least I really don´t know anybody who is thinking about consonances or dissonances. At least for me that´s just different material but doesn´t say anything about the music. I assume you think the same and so do most I know.
Actually these years right now seem to be very open and non-dogmatic. All concepts and conceptual ideas are done, there´s simply nothing new you can do. Everthing is done.
This time now is about authenticity. It´s about REALLY doing something, not pretending. Something you (=one) could only do at this certain time at this certain place under these certain circumstances. Something personal, honest and real. tactile.
Good to see you here again. I was already wondering where you were...
- Mathis