@René said:
Legato (as in the Performance Set) is a 'recorded performance'....Portamento (same) is a 'recorded performance'....Timpani rolls and cymbal rolls are, well, recorded performances....Hmf. A simple sFz note is a 'recorded performance' as well....I'd say that anyone 'morally capable' of using samples is also capable of using runs.-René
Well not me. You have to draw lines somewhere or else a person does not have a full understanding of what they are embarking on. Or they don't care. in which case they probably are the type to have no problem with ghost writers, or "robot composing" plugins.
As for me, I thoroughly enjoy programming every harp gliss, run, cluster hit, etc., fully orchestrated and performed as it would have been on the stand the day they recorded the "sample". But mine are MINE, and they are unique to each and every one of my pieces, and furthermore I use certain run grooving techniques that are specific to the cold/warm conducting style of each of my scores. These small details although seemingly small, are what might easily separate a great performance of a Bernard Herrmann score from one NOT conducting by himself. if he had the opportunity to use VSL he would have and he would have tweaked the performance to his hearts content, because there is nothing more DISGUSTING than a "stock" run.
Evan Evans