Dear Herb or seasoned VSLO veteran,
I will be investing in an orchestral library very soon and am very interested in Opus 1. I currently use Halion 1.1 not 2.0. (I received this for free from Audio MIDI when I bought Xphrase and it is not upgradable.) It does convert GigaStudio files though and I was wondering if I could use it to play the Opus 1 sounds? Specifically do you know if Halion 1.0 has the juice and brains to convert the libraries intact. I own GigaStudio 32 (junior version) but have removed it from my computer as I have never been able to get it to "behave" properly and do not wish to invest time and money into it. Also will a P4 1.7 ghz with 768 megs of ram be able to play most of the Opus 1 library? I know these questions are rather vague and generic but any help could sway me one way or another.
On another note I have not seen as much class in an individual or a company like you Herb, and VSL in a long long time. This alone makes me want to invest in Opus 1 even if I have to buy another computer to run it on. You'll just have to help me convince my wife! ; )
I wish you further success. This company and it's products are in a league of their own!
Darren Pasdernick
(Budding Film Composer and all round nice guy)
I will be investing in an orchestral library very soon and am very interested in Opus 1. I currently use Halion 1.1 not 2.0. (I received this for free from Audio MIDI when I bought Xphrase and it is not upgradable.) It does convert GigaStudio files though and I was wondering if I could use it to play the Opus 1 sounds? Specifically do you know if Halion 1.0 has the juice and brains to convert the libraries intact. I own GigaStudio 32 (junior version) but have removed it from my computer as I have never been able to get it to "behave" properly and do not wish to invest time and money into it. Also will a P4 1.7 ghz with 768 megs of ram be able to play most of the Opus 1 library? I know these questions are rather vague and generic but any help could sway me one way or another.
On another note I have not seen as much class in an individual or a company like you Herb, and VSL in a long long time. This alone makes me want to invest in Opus 1 even if I have to buy another computer to run it on. You'll just have to help me convince my wife! ; )
I wish you further success. This company and it's products are in a league of their own!
Darren Pasdernick
(Budding Film Composer and all round nice guy)