I can accept "He has chops now" not having heard this one score you've mentioned. I did hear just the music from some recent work of his (it was dreadful and doesn't even qualify as music to these forgiving ears. Is Yanni music?) In most of his work I've heard errors that should be filtered out of a composition students work within a few weeks. - no exaggeration. I don't blame the guy, it's just a fact. My concern is for the craft. I think he's improved a lot and done some really good stuff within his means and abilities. But of course I'm troubled by any disintegration of an art form (just as I am about pop music.) Major motion pictures now can contain very badly crafted music. I honestly don't hear that in even old B movies. There was no way to cheat that with synths back then, and the line between pop and orchestral writers was very clear.
This is a modern phenominon which I hope doesn't persist. Danny Elfman is an example of someone without the training that through whatever means doesn't exhibit this trait. His scores are very solid musically however appropriate one may deam them.
Glaringly obvious weaknesses in musical construction, I would think would bother a composition student with even modest gifts.
Dave Connor
I can accept "He has chops now" not having heard this one score you've mentioned. I did hear just the music from some recent work of his (it was dreadful and doesn't even qualify as music to these forgiving ears. Is Yanni music?) In most of his work I've heard errors that should be filtered out of a composition students work within a few weeks. - no exaggeration. I don't blame the guy, it's just a fact. My concern is for the craft. I think he's improved a lot and done some really good stuff within his means and abilities. But of course I'm troubled by any disintegration of an art form (just as I am about pop music.) Major motion pictures now can contain very badly crafted music. I honestly don't hear that in even old B movies. There was no way to cheat that with synths back then, and the line between pop and orchestral writers was very clear.
This is a modern phenominon which I hope doesn't persist. Danny Elfman is an example of someone without the training that through whatever means doesn't exhibit this trait. His scores are very solid musically however appropriate one may deam them.
Glaringly obvious weaknesses in musical construction, I would think would bother a composition student with even modest gifts.
Dave Connor