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  • Some OPUS 1 Questions

    Hi, All!
    Been a while since I last posted at VSL. I kind of got out of the loop after I decided I couldn't afford the First Edition. Now what OPUS 1 is out (BTW, with the designation "1," should we be expecting a "2" and "3"?) I now have a reason to revisit VSL. I'm glad I found out about this in time. I was about to buy the "Gold Edition" of that other orchestral library. [8-)]

    Now before everybody gets all worked up about VSL's policy on the Horizon Series, let's not make this thread another flamewar. I think OPUS is the best (only?) way for VSL to compete with QLSO (strictly a price thing--we all know VSL sounds better). But that is all besides the point.
    Right now, I need to be convinced that VSL will do all I need it to do, with what I already have. I'm convinced that Kewl-SO can do that, albeit with less versitility on a per instrument level. So with after that long intro, here are my questions:

    1) Will OPUS 1 run realistically on my current machine (alongside Giga and Cakewalk SONAR)? My current configuration is: P4 2.4ghz, SB Audigy2, 1.5gb RAM. HD space is not an issue for me. I have plenty.

    2) Does the OPUS 2 offer a broad enough range of instruments for me to accomplish what I need to do? Basically, I need to be able to believably recreate music from the Baroque period (Bach, Handel, etc.). I have compared the intrument lists of OPUS and QLSO, and found that QLSO has more instruments available, but OPUS probably has alot more versitility per instrument.

    3) If that is within the realm of (reasonable) possiblity, how much work is it to accomplish this? I have never worked with Giga before, so I understand that there will be a learning curve there. I'm okay with that. What I need to know is, once I become proficient with Giga/OPUS, how much tweaking in terms of dynamics, velocity, etc. is required to make a piece sound reasonably good. Other than those variables, what other kinds of tweaking would be required?

    4) (Really a Giga question) When all is finished, can I simply "render" out .wav files without having to go to my HDD recorder? Right now I'm using synths, and it's a real pain to get audio files.

    Well, there you go. I would appreciate any input any VSL user (OPUS, FIRST, or PRO) could give me. Thanks, all!


  • chris, can only answer 1 and 4 - yes, it will be reasonably running and yes, you can save wave to disk

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I don't necessarily see OPUS 1 as implying there will be another. It's just a milestone known in classical music. OPUS 1 is the first published work of a composer. It has significance as a milestone. OPUS 2 through OPUS 999 pale in comparison with regards to significance as a milestone.

    But an OPUS 2 could easily follow I suppose. Just that I read it to imply the same nostalgia equated with a composers first published work rather than simply the first in a series.

    Evan Evans

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    @cm said:

    chris, can only answer 1 and 4 - yes, it will be reasonably running and yes, you can save wave to disk

    Thanks for the info. Hey, can you only answer question 1 and 4 because those are the only questions you know the answer to? Or is it because you believe the answers to questions 2 and 3 are to varied to have a real answer? Would really like to know. Thanks.


  • chris, i didn't want to comment on Q2 because, although i like it, i'm not familiar enough with this kind of music/instrumentation to give a reliable answer and Q3 is depending on too many factors, at least your personal understanding of *much work* and *sounds good*

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • regarding question 2:

    For writing baroque style music I would strongly recommend to add our solo strings.
    The demos of Beat Kaufman are good examples:ändel/Apollo_and_Daphne_(excerpts).htm

    As far as I know about articulations Beat used for programming, this demos should also work perfectly with Opus 1 and the solostrings.

  • Hello, there everyone!
    Thanks for the input. I'm pretty much set to purchase OPUS 1. Just need to get paid on a couple jobs before I can plunk down the cash for VSL and Gigastudio. Again, thank you to everyone who posted a reply here.

    One minor question: Which Giga would you all recommend to an OPUS 1 user (96 or 160)? Would one often need to use more than 32 MIDI channels?


  • What kind of music do you make, generally "BIG" songs? If so I would prefer to not buying Gigastudio 32. But that wasn't your question. I'm buying GS 32 because I have never tried I want to start slow with understanding and see what can be done in the 32. But If I where you I would wait for the release of gs 3.0 wich is due to release after the NAMM show after newyear.(Gigapulse is also going to be showed off at the NAMM show)
    Personally I am going to wait for gs 3 and THEN I can buy the best version 160, so I don't have no concerns(I guess)

    Make this thread in the gigastudio topic, and see if you can gain more attension there [[;)]]

    I also want to know what people have and think what we should buy.
    Christmas is just around the corner...