it is a mic'd sound from a distorted cabinet! that's the only way to capture all the played "dirt" you want to hear, when we talk about performance sampling.
I agree about the miced sound on one point. It would be hard to make a library with clean sounds for the player as you change your playing style depending on the sound you use. If the player used a certain sound during the takes, the same takes wouldn't necessarily work great if you changed the amp settings.
Still, imo it would be great if the clean sounds were there for flexibility. I'd much rather have the clean sounds instead of the amped sounds. Then I could do whatever I wanted to the sound with amp modelers or real amps to get the same dirt.
One interesting thing the strikes me... What we are discussing here is actually what made me choose VSL over other unnamed libraries. Ultimate flexibility without a signature sound built-in such as static halls. After all that's the main goal of the silent stage, isn't it? I guess static amps are different. [[;)]]
For the record though: The Overdrive library sounds great as is and after some more demos I probably won't resist pressing that "buy" button!
Is there any chance we could also have access to the original unprocessed sound, just so we could have more flexibility? I wouldn't mind paying a little extra so I could have the best of both worlds.
Otherwise I'll also have to buy the 57 Strat library from EW for when I want to be able to sculpt my sound.
@Air said:
I think the big point of the VSL is that you aren't fixed to any "riff" and timing because of the repetition- and legato mode! It is possible the play your own ideas!
Agreed, that's another big point.
may i introduce to you mr. "air-korn-linkin park" bernd mazagg. he's our sound genius for low guitars. he forced me to stretch the range of the guitarrecordings down to C1. it's nice to read, that he believe in the quality of our demos, he mixed most of them! and now he starts this unbelievable marketing major offensive by praising our product....bernd, you are amazing!
but seriously: if you have technical questions about our product - he is the man to ask!
This is not a complaint in anyway. great job guys on OVerdrive, and excellent demo ...
Yes, it would be nice some day to have the raw jack signal, so that you could output it to a AMP in a silent closet, mic it, add all the processing, and be able to get the sound you want from it.
But I also really love what has been done here. Congrats on a great job!
Evan Evans