To overcome the quantize problem in working with a notation programm is a problem. At Frankfurt two programmers showed me a software solution, which supports a musically quantizing.
"Musicraft" by Gershon Silbert and Avner Dorman.
Sorry I don't find the webpage url at the moment.
It was amazing how well this software worked.
It worked with simple Finale scores routed through the Musicraft software.
You can work there with fixed templates, selecting different music styles with full access for all parameters.
I don't know if there exists a first release now (it was announced for 2003). If it is available, I strongly can recommend it, for all who are working with scoring programms, and do not perform there tracks on the keyboard.
On the other hand, best way to avoid quantized tracks is to practice piano playing.
I'm a very bad piano player, and quantized a lot in the passed. Now I try to spend one hour a day for piano practizing, it really helps a lot to improve your composing progress working with a sequenzer.
However a short hint for your arrangement, Tim.
At the beginning I think you used the loudest velocity of the violin staccati.
I would suggest to use the second layer, I think it would work better for that line, and I would try to alternate with "0'3s" violin short samples.
The alternation between second dynamic layer of the staccati and the loudest 0'3s work quite well.
best wishes