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  • Demo by Matthias Günthert

    Matthias Günthert sent us this spectacular and dramatic action cue.
    I was very impressed that Matthias managed this piece on only two gigasystems in 23 hours.
    He sent us some informative production notes as well.
    Congratulation and thanks a lot, Matthias!


    Listen to the demo:

    The battle, composed 2003 by Matthias Günthert.

    programming time: ca. 23 hours.

    Matt on Matt:

    I am 33 years old and from Basel, Switzerland. I was taught the classical piano with 8 years. I am composing since the age of 9 years – and my heart still wants to go for more! I started with a small keyboard from Roland and an AKAI S900.

    Since in 1985 I was limited technically very soon in what I was achieving, I had to go for the better and bigger… This took me about 10 years to get there!!! [;)]
    Today I own (I guess like lots of you out there) a small and nice studio, equipped with the latest tools and the best I ever heard in sampling: the VSL. This library made now possible, what I was dreaming of for about the last 7 years!

    I am working for 6 years now on my monstrous project called “Lord of Ireland”. You can get more infos on that here: I am still looking for a chance to get into the reign of scoring music composers. I love to compose music for movies…

    Anyway – music is my life. I’ve been doing a lot of projects, producing and performing. You can check this out on my homepage:
    I have also done commercials for companies allover Switzerland, such as MANOR, Datacomm, BMW, Second unit in Munich – it’s fun!!!
    I am still working as a speech therapist in Switzerland hoping to get the chance to earn my living from music…

    So that’s my story – have fun!


    Gigastation 1: 62 instruments, memory: 57% at 2G RAM




    BD Ludwig 18x40
    BD Yamaha 16x38



    Additional files

    Symphony of voices
    Extended classical choir
    Effects from “Advanced orchestra”
    Taiko drums (own library)
    Celtic drums (own library)
    Wooden Flute (Celtic instruments1)
    Uillean pipes (own library)
    Irish low whistle (Celtic instruments1)

    Gigastation 2: 16 instruments, memory: 92% at 1G RAM





    Soon 2 more computers with Giga running on XP with 2 G RAM will be there for use!!!

    Programming with Steinberg Cubase SX, Mackie Control, Nuendo – works like heaven!

  • Congratulations, Matt! (... as a fellow Nuendo-user, too [;)]

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • sounds great! [:)]

  • Really nice! You did your own uillean pipes.. cool!

  • Hey Matt,

    Can you tell a little bit about your processing (FX-Reverb)


  • HI!

    This is very difficult to explain, since mixing is not only a technical purpouse.
    It was already discussed several times. I was experiencing a lot with rooms, reverbs since I cannot afford to buy a BIG Lexicon or TC, which would be perfect to do that work!!!
    So I decided to try it with only POWERCORE and WAVES, which helped a lot. I found what I was looking for there! I use the TRUE VERB for romm amount (direct reverb parameter) to set the instruments towards the back.
    The same for the middle position.

    It's only three positions I use: Back, Middle and Hall.
    The hall consists of the CLASSIC VERB (powercore), which is absolutely great! In there I programmed my own "Concert hall".
    Use your ears to do that! [:D] Since the room ambience has to fit the track, sounds and instruments...
    It's not easy to do, but you'll find yours as well. Delay time: not too long,,,

    Hope this helps!

    Matt [:D]

  • Matt,
    Your work sounds "big" thats why I had to ask about your reverbs and stuff. Thanks for your really does help!


  • HI Matt,

    I am really impressed by your work,, and I couldn't believe it it's a VSL and not reall orchestra .. thanks to VSL and you!

    I really want to go for the VSL and have some question which I hope that I get the answer from you !!

    1- why did you go for WINXP and not MAC?
    2- is Giga much better than ESX24 II?
    3- why did you use 2 Giga stations and not one.?what kind of Audio hardware do use to record (Audio Card)?
    4- what RAM cards do use DDR or SDR and what is the size of single card?

    i have so many questions but I think these are the most important ones!

    thanks in advance and I hope you will reply or some one can help!!

    thanks to Herb for creating this library!!



  • welcome yasser,
    i've tried to answer your support-request via email - but it bounced (550 over quota) - please empty your mailbox or provide me another address

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • sorry CM,

    i have checked my e-mail.. the mail box was full.. spammers [:'(]

    you may send your email now..

    thanks and waiting ,,,,


  • never mind, i've resent it

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Very good action cue Matt! Nice work [[;)]]

  • Great, Congratulations.
    I want to answer of yasser's question if its possible...

  • Hi yasser! Got my e-mail?

    1- why did you go for WINXP and not MAC?
    Well, first: XP is the most stable version of WINDOWS!
    and second: it was a decision of the "heart". A long time ago I used to work with Mac but then for some reason (can't remember) decided to go for PC. Could be because a good friend of mine was an IT specialist and always getting me out of PC trouble! [[;)]] And the thing is that GIGA only runs on PC (WHAT A SHAME in these times!!!!!!!!!) Therefore I decided to go for PC. Anyway for a long time (and perhaps still) it is a question of taste and a personal philosophy... [*-)] [[:|]] [:D]

    2- is Giga much better than ESX24 II?
    Somehow I am nomore that eager on PC since the new G5 came out!!!! IT IS AMAZING! GIGA IS NOT really better - it has only the possibility to use 64 channels simoultaneously! That's it. If I had the choice zoday I would go for EXS!

    3- why did you use 2 Giga stations and not one.?what kind of Audio hardware do use to record (Audio Card)?
    On only one system I could NEVER do that big/ huge orchestrations in real time. That's why I have 3 systems running at the same time. BUT WITH just ONE G5 and LOGIC one could record and mix the same on just 1 system!!! I will propably go for MAC in the next few months... The only thing that p.... me a little off is that I would have to buy a license for EXS! [:'(] [:'(]
    The audio card luckily is NUENDO 96 kHz - genius stuff! So usable as well for MAC!

    4- what RAM cards do use DDR or SDR and what is the size of single card?
    DDR - 4x 512 mb! on each system! BUT Giga cannot handle more than 1,5 gbyte at the momenht anbd version 3.0 is not available yet... [:'(]

    So - a lot of talking! DON't forget to do music!!!!! The equipment is worth investing, but PLAY PLAY PLAY and enjoy music!



  • I think it was you who composed: Redy to fight or something, right? The theme is great! But how the f&/"¤% do you do it? Where is the theme coming from? From the air? [:D]
    I envy you as well as hans zimmer, harry gregson-williams, trevor rabin and so on....

    What about your song ready to fight, do you need several systems for that song?
    And what do you men by several systems?Comuters? Or more than 1 Giga studio?

    I don't have giga studio or the vienna library [*-)] [6] [8o|]

    Oh yeah, I do have one theme I have created.
    I just hummed it one day.

  • Thank you for your insight there Matt [:)] It is great how the good composers are actually active here on the forum. It inspires those eager newbies [[;)]]

  • Hi Audun!

    >>I think it was you who composed: Redy to fight or something, right? The theme is great! But how the f&/"¤% do you do it? Where is the theme coming from? From the air?

    Some call it "air" - others call it holy spirit. I "blame" the one that is a muse to me: life, passion and something unexplainable... [[:|]]

    >> I envy you as well as hans zimmer, harry gregson-williams, trevor rabin and so on....
    THanks so much! What a compliment!!!! [:)]

    What about your song ready to fight, do you need several systems for that song?
    Yessssss - 3 of it!

    >> And what do you men by several systems?Comuters? Or more than 1 Giga studio?

    It' is 3 computer systems: 1 major with sequencer and Giga, the other two systems GIGA only!

    Hope this clears up some skies. If there are more questions don't hesitate to ask!


  • Thanks Matt for your reply .. that was really helpful.

    I belive that your demo THE BATTEL it's perfect for GLADIATOR ,, I really loved it and I hope that you can tell me where can I get wooden flute and some drums like what you own,, we can share some sample if you like I have to many of my own .. [[[;)]]]

    If you want to hear some of my music you may visit my site it's still under contruction but you may here the intro that I made lately !! let me know what you think..!!

    !! [[[;)]]]

  • last edited
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    @Matt 1 said:

    Hi Audun!

    >>I think it was you who composed: Redy to fight or something, right? The theme is great! But how the f&/"¤% do you do it? Where is the theme coming from? From the air?

    Some call it "air" - others call it holy spirit. I "blame" the one that is a muse to me: life, passion and something unexplainable... [[:|]]

    Hope this clears up some skies. If there are more questions don't hesitate to ask!


    I hope Tomas Newman will sleepover his next flute theme... or better pay it forward... [:D]


  • Hansi!

    He? I am confused... [8-)]
