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  • organizing things

    Organizing Things

    I did order VSL today and will probably receive it by the end of the week. Now I am trying to prepare my system to receive the library. Here what I do have at disposition:
    4 dedicated Giga computers, one running XP and the other ones WIN 98. Altogether I do have 3,5 GB RAM for samples. Sequencing is done on a Dual Mac G4 1.25.MH. Until now I could store all my libraries (Garritan –Siedlazcek-Dan Dean-London Percussion) on all my machines. That means I had 4 identical Giga machines with same sounds and same patch numbers . Now, with VSL, this will not be possible anymore, and probably will also not make any sense. If any of you have found a good way to organize things, I would really appreciate some input! By the way: I do work with patch changes, that means I do not use a MIDI track for every articulation as some seam to do. But using VSL it probably will make sense to use separate MIDI tracks for all legato instruments?

    If you are interested in what kind of music I do produce, please visit my site at DIADEM is probably the best thing to listen in order to have an idea.



  • Hello Iwan,

    if you have enough disc space on each computer, I would suggest to copy all VSL samples on all computers.

    If you make for example a string arrangement, you can use one engine for violins, one for violas etc.
    For a full orchestra mockup you can use one engine for brass, one for woodwinds etc.

    It strongly depends on style and instrumentation what configuration you need.
    With this soloution you are as flexible as possible.


  • Herb,

    Thanks, what you suggest is exactly what I had until this morning when I did receive a package from Bestservice....[:)] I am right now in the process of copying the VSL samples to my HD's. Unfortunately my sample HD's are between 60 and 80 GB, so I can not put everything on each disk as I had before. But I think that I did work out a compromise; the only thing I am not sure of, is if it is better to run all performance patches from the same machines or not? But I am also printing out the manual right now .-my God, what a lot of stuff....-,so I may find out.

    Anyway, thank you for your answer

    Iwan :

  • Hello Herb and Iwan,

    I am also interested in this question. I got the library, just waiting for the 3 pc's to arrive in order to run it! From the (downloaded!) docs it seems like the legato instruments are probably the most RAM hungry. So as Iwan previously menitoned, would you recommend running different legato instruments on different machines (ie legato violins on machine 1, legato violas on machine 2 etc etc?). I think the restriction will come down to Giga's 64 ports, not the library, machine RAM or HD space.
    Along the same lines, what is a sensible work around for using 1st and 2nd violin set ups? Having previously used 12 x Akais I basically use (I'm sorry that should read "used" in the past tense! [;)] ) the same violin section samples but split up the sections in my sequencer using folders. Of course this would be problematic if both sections are playing tutti in the same register but for the most part it works OK. Is it possible to do this using VSL? Of course I doubt it would be possible in the Performance Tool as the 1st Violins could be playing an octave slur whilst the 2nds a perfect 5th. Do you see what I mean? Hopefully I can save on RAM and the number of engines with things like staccato and marcato using my previous method.
    Sorry for long post,


  • Rich,

    I did resolve - the first part- of - this problem like this: I dedicated 1 GS machine for all Woodwinds, 1 for all strings and one for all brass and percussion. On the string machine I did connect a firewire 120 GB HD, which has all the sounds of VSL copied on it. of course right now, because of all the missing things in 1. Edition, they’re also the Garritan, Dan Dean and Siedlazcek libraries on the respective HD's.

    What the 2. Violins is concerned, this is also a problem for me. In order do differentiate the sound, I do think, that it is very important to have different patches for 1. and 2. violins -more important to me as loops, sorry about this-...., If I do find a solution to this I will let you know. If you find one, please also let me know.



  • Hello Iwan,

    Thanks very much for the pointers. Similar to yourself, I will probably have to use some Miroslav, Sziedlacek etc for additional samples not currently available but will keep these on the akais. I will certainly be looking at this issue so as to maximise sample RAM (and HD) usage over the next week or so, of course if find a good solution will post it here.


    Richard Jacques.