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  •  On the info page about Ensemble, it says "Already available in version 2.0, Vienna Ensemble is waiting for you in your personal User Area!". This should be in user area, Vienna Instruments, software updates, right? I don't see it there. I only see up to version 1.12. Am I missing something? This is the first time I have done an upgrade with Vienna.

    Colin Thomson 

  • Do I need to do the updates in between?

    Colin Thomson 

  • last edited
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    @ColinThomson said:

     On the info page about Ensemble, it says "Already available in version 2.0, Vienna Ensemble is waiting for you in your personal User Area!". This should be in user area, Vienna Instruments, software updates, right? I don't see it there. I only see up to version 1.12. Am I missing something? This is the first time I have done an upgrade with Vienna.

    Colin Thomson 

    I don't think that the update is uploaded yet.

    With previous updates I uninstalled the earlier version and then installed the new one. However, on this one I will probably wait for instructions.


  • Sorry, a small coordination problem with our webteam.

    The new startsite with the Vienna Ensemble announcement is little to early online.

    However, we will upload final software builts and the Vienna Ensemble manual as soons as possible.

    You will find the Vienna Ensemble software in the "USER AREA / Vienna Instruments / Software" section.



  • Here it is! :-)

  • Forgive my ignorance, but I'm trying to figure out where I go to save a setup in Ensemble. I have created several instruments but the only place I can see to save this setup is in the Vienna Ensemble Server Interface window, is this correct? I am using Logic 8. Thanks TH

  • I only see the dl for windows XP (of Vienna ensemble). Is that a temporary problem?

  • there are some issues left regarding permissions with the OS X version so we decided to delay publishing it ... sorry, but i think this is better than getting you more troubles than explicitely neccessary ;-)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I downloaded the OSX version yesterday, and I did have some problems starting it up a few times, but it is working now....

  • Good for you, Tom!

    There are quite some problems that can occur and we´re simply trying to get them out of the way!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • just so long as we get super 64 bit in the next few days

  • Paul, Excuse me ... I'm picking up you thru this discussion... Short question? About VE what exactly means COMING SOON for Mac users? Thanks for short answer! Alain LeBlond PS just eager to enjoy... it is simply wonderful... thanks!

  • Hi Alain,

    "coming soon" means that we are working with full steam on the release [:)]

     Thanks for your patience!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Did this 'saving' a project get answered.  Want to also start saving the new VE template and only see that a 'viframe' gets saved - try to reopen a saved file and nothing saved.  Something simple I am sure.  Any help? 

  • Rob,

    I´m getting confused, sorry. PC, right?

    Saving and opening viframe files works fine here both as a plugin and standalone.  



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  •  Hi Paul,

    Just discovered the issue.   I was trying to open the saved viframe file by itself.  Apparently I have to first open VE and then 'open project' within that.

    No the way I had been doing in V stack -but not any kind of problem.

    Many thanks.


  •  Hey Paul, Since you decided not to go out on a Friday night[:)] - can I import my old .fxp files from previous projects and template within Vstack?


    (sorry should have said I can 'save the .fxp files - the small disk icon on the VI front page - but I see no where to 'import' the .fxp file)?? 

  • Hi Rob,

    the Vienna Ensemble can´t "read" fxp VSTack files (or any other host files).

    The fastest way to go is to open your VSTack session, save each preset of your VI´s and open the presets again in the corresponding VI [:)]




    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  •  Paul,

    Sorry for what may be a stupid question but I have saved all the individual VI's within Vstack now (they can only saved as a .fxp).  Opening one of the VI's within Vstack - the upper right hand corner shows 'presets'.  That pull down shows a couple of options - one of which is 'save as...' the only options are .fxp.   Not sure what you mean???



  • Hi Rob,

    you can save a preset from within your Vienna Instruments (on the Preset Select Page you´ll find a little "disk" sign that will let you save your preset). You can save the preset of every VI and then load these presets into your VI´s in the Vienna Ensemble. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL