i bought three new packages (appassionata, special brass, special edition) just before grace period for VIP dicounts ends.
i bought them via bestservice / germany...
now i tried to register these libraries in the registration area. i got no serial number for the extended library from bestservice (special brass, appassionata), they told me, they will do it for me, i just have to register with my standard library serial number ...
i tried to register these stuff, but there´s no extended library at all with exception of special edition (for this one they sent me an extended key)
i sent this problem including the serial numbers concerned to support@vsl.co.at several time the last days, but i got response!
what to do now?
registration problem ... support?
Hi Thomas,
I have just checked your registrations, and you have registered the Standard Libraries for the Special Edition, the Appassionata Strings and the Special Brass. You have also registered the Extended Library for the Special Edition suceesfully.
When did you send your mails to support@vsl.co.at? We are doing our best to answer all requests within at least 24 hours.
As you have bought your Extended Libraries at Bestservice, I´d say: Give them a call, they will take care of it!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -