Hello tobi,
this is a very appealing website! great graphics!
Though I'm experiencing some minor problems at 800x600 with IE 5.5.
For example in the intro page:
the word "INTRODUCTION" partly overlaps "and see what's new".
I think I'm not the only one surfing at 800x600 as reading is much more comfortable on a 17'' than 1024x768 and maybe everything could be redesigned to fit at that resolution also without horizontal scrolling (which is a pain!!!) It doesn't seem to be a real need for higher res... anyway just give it a try... [:)]
Next, maybe the demo page could be simpler and more straightforward, though always organized by sections which is very good. Browsing is actually a little bit confusing (section selecting-top menu and inside section-left menu could be put together as a tree...)
Anyway that's my opinion and anyway great graphics! I expecially like the background texture made of program names !
Roberto Rega
BTW, great logo also! even if all these cubes remind me a bit of the film "Cube"... follows strange physical feelings... eh eh eh !!!
this is a very appealing website! great graphics!
Though I'm experiencing some minor problems at 800x600 with IE 5.5.
For example in the intro page:
the word "INTRODUCTION" partly overlaps "and see what's new".
I think I'm not the only one surfing at 800x600 as reading is much more comfortable on a 17'' than 1024x768 and maybe everything could be redesigned to fit at that resolution also without horizontal scrolling (which is a pain!!!) It doesn't seem to be a real need for higher res... anyway just give it a try... [:)]
Next, maybe the demo page could be simpler and more straightforward, though always organized by sections which is very good. Browsing is actually a little bit confusing (section selecting-top menu and inside section-left menu could be put together as a tree...)
Anyway that's my opinion and anyway great graphics! I expecially like the background texture made of program names !
Roberto Rega
BTW, great logo also! even if all these cubes remind me a bit of the film "Cube"... follows strange physical feelings... eh eh eh !!!