Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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In the past 24 hours, we have 6 new thread(s), 34 new post(s) and 73 new user(s).

  • 7 new demos online

    I'm very happy to announce another varied collection of compositions in our Demo Zone.

    Frederick Russ produced this lovely arrangement of "Over the Rainbow"
    by Harold Arlen.
    This piece shows very well the potential of the different
    string sections included in the Special Edition.

    Over the Rainbow


    Guy Bacos wrote this passionate string sextett piece in gypsy style.
    It features our solo string collections (also including our double bass).

    Panonnian Sextett


    Miklos Power composed this Jazz style piece using very exotic soloinstruments for this kind of music style: our Special woodwinds collection

    Special Woodwinds Jazz


    Guy Bacos demonstrates once more his keyboard skills and sent us this two harpsichord masterpieces:
    The "Italian Concerto by J. S. Bach
    and the "Mysterious Barricades by Francoise Couperin

    Italian Concerto

    Mysterious Barricades


    Steffen Fahl sent us this "classical" for Prepared Piano,
    "Aeolian Harp" by Henry Cowell

    Aeolian Harp


    And finally Rob Welsh sent us this impressive original composition for Piano solo featuring our Bosendorfer Imperial


    thanks a lot!

  • Harold, first, is this SE only?

    Miklos, I'd say this is closer to world music, is it not? It's hard to pin point a particular style in your piece, a bit jazzy, a bit this and that... and you're good at that. In this piece we hear many unusual instrument, bass flute of course and others. Interesting combination. [:D]

    Stefan, interesting piece. Can you talk about the main sounds from the prepared piano you used? What were Cowell's specific indications for that? Was it complicated to do?

    Rob W, Wow, great piano composition, the end is evocative of the great romantic Liszt in a more modern way.Good job!

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    Hi Guy,
    Nice spicy sextett what you have done, sounds like you have had some wild ancestors from the pusta [[;)]]

    Will we also get your interpretation of the remaining two movements of the Italian Concert, I would like especially the presto ... [H]
    But I also like the nearly orchestral harmonies of your Couperin piece.

    @Guy said:

    Stefan, interesting piece. Can you talk about the main sounds from the prepared piano you used? What were Cowell's specific indications for that? Was it complicated to do?

    Actually it was perhaps even less complicated than playing it on a real grandpiano.
    Here you can see how difficult it is not to play the Keys of the chords you have to press.

    Cowell (by the way J.Cages Teacher) demands in his "Aeolian Harp" 1923 (presumably for the first time) sweeping over the open strings of the Piano in diffrent directions and dynamic. And to pluck single strings wich made some very slow arpeggios between the “sweeped” chords. That fits quite well with the rich variety of openstring-sounds and Stringglissandi in the VSL prepared piano.

    Ok I admit it is a bit arbirtary to take thoses single plucked strings as harmonics for this demo - Cowell might forgive me. Its just because I like the piano harmonics and you can already hear the single stringsounds as part of the Chords that remain after stringglissandi.

    (PS.:! Someone at VSL seem not to like my real prename: I am not called “stefan” [:'(] )

  • Great job all! I find it so amazing the 'range and depth' that VSL samples provide us composers.

    This group of excellent demos show really how much work VSL has done over the last - what 7-8 years?

    Keep the demos comin'- they are great for us owners to 'remind' us of all the 'possibilities'.


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    @Another User said:

    (PS.:! Someone at VSL seem not to like my real prename: I am not called “stefan” [:'(] )

    Totally sorry about that Stephen [:D]

  • Great job everyone on showing how far this library can represent such a wide range of musical language.
    Guy, thank you for the kind words. I wish I had the keyboard skills like yourself, but i don't so this piece was 100% programmed. Your string piece is great! I really like the energy with the galloping col lengo and super fast pizz. Very well done.
    Every demo is very inspiring!

  • Thanks for the descriptions Guy [:)] I hope I didn't go too wide of the mark, at least I mean I hope it's musically relevant for listeners. Hard to say what inspired it, but I wanted to present the special woodwinds in a very unique light, since they are potentially just that - and yes, the angle was absolutely world music coupled with jazz, but as though I wanted both but neither ha ha, mixed it very dryish on purpose and I wanted the solo's to be half way between a planned solo and an "on stage" improvisation feel, so you could say I was very much two minded about it on many levels, but I definitely had a clear direction when I was writing it, I just wanted to write something completely unique and off the wall, both improvised and composed, jazzy yet new age undertones, with a certain sense of weaving purpose... there is a bit of Sting in there as well I think. It was a gamble, but I hope some people enjoy it and helps them hear those instruments in a unique setting when choosing libraries to purchase. I'd like to know if people hate it or love it purely out of curiosity, I'm not one to listen too much to critisism or praise either way to much of an extent, but I must say, this one is strange certainly not mainstream, and I'm curious as to peoples reactions to it.


  • Great demos!

    I was interested to hear how good the bass flute sounded on the jazzy thing of Miklos. It is as good at jazz as a sax, but rarely used because nobody has one! No wonder Mancini was always using it.

  • Guy: Impressive work on the harpsichord, you have those trills down pat [:)] I like the gypsy piece most of all though, good fun and clever use of the pizzicato samples.
