I don't have any problems with the presets, but I also make sure that I save the individual matrix patches inside a preset as their own new matrix patches as well. Maybe this is the source of your problem.
Sorry I'm not sure I'm following you. Must I save the patch? Where do I do that? I can't se any save symbol under the patch assign button. The only place I see a save symbol is under matrix assign.
Ok, so this means that I can't save these settings? Isn't that real bad. I have to reselect mod wheels and things on each of my own matrixes?
all the settings on your "Perform" page should be saved with your preset in any case. You can even save a "default" preset with your favourite settings.
How do you save your presets? Are you using the "harddisk" symbol in the Vienna Instruments? This way you can save both matrices and presets.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Ok. Then it seems to be something wrong because do I save using "the floppy drive" (I guess) symbol under Matrix assign page.
On the matrix assign page you are saving only Matrix files.
If you want to save your controller setup you have to save a Preset file.
Choose "Preset Select" on the round button in the middle.
Now you are on the Preset Select Page. (in the left area you'll see all the licenses listed).
If you choose now the disc symbol on the right side (it looks exactly the same like the Matrix save symbol) you will save a Preset file.
The Preset file saves automatically all your included matrix files and your controller setup.
I'm working with an empty custom Preset File, where all my controller are configured. If I start a new projekt I load this empty "custum preset file" first, and than adding all Matrix files and patches.
Ok Thanks! Now it's clear to me. I haven't thought about that preset button. So what is the difference between the prefab "Presets" and the prefab "Matrixes"?
If you are on the Matrix assign page you will see, that there are 12 slots on the left side. Each slot can hold one Matrix file. If you click on the disc icon on the Matrix assign page you will save the Matrix which is actually highlighted on the left side. So you will save exactly one Matrix.
Saving a Preset on the Preset page you save all Matrices which are loaded and all controller setups.
All this informations are also described in the printed manuals and in our video tutorials.