Hi muziksculp,
I'll try to answer your questions based on my experience with the App Strings.
A1) If you want more bow sound use the Harsh articulation, if that is to aggressive of a sound use spiccato. It really depends on the length of the note since spicc is shorter than Marc and stacc. If you want to bring out the bow noise more I would recommend an Exciter not an EQ.
A2) The tremolos are quit dramatic since the ensemble size is large. This articulation is a powerful sound in App Strings but of coarse you can control it via velocity xfade control which will allow for realtime dynamic/velocity control.
A3) The Harsh articulation IMO could be used succesfully in stabs, highly dramtic or emotional phrases that need rhythmic accents...It does walk the line of being an effect but it is not uncommon in modern orchestral concert and film music.
The sound was created by the player striking the string very forcefully and heavily.
Its a full, dense sound with a strong attack.
A4) The FA or Fast articulations are unique to VSL. They use a Speed controller which automatically detects how fast you play. VSL recorded these articulations at difference speeds, normal and fast. The VI can switch the samples in realtime as you play your sequence. The benefit being that all you have to do is play your phrase and the VI will properly choose the appropriate sample without you having to think about a thing or use any controllers. It definitely adds to the realism of a performce.
I recommend you visit the video tutorial page. There is a short video on this feature, it will explain and demonstrate the Speed controller. I garauntee you will be blown away if you've not seen it.
Its quit an ingenious mechanism.
A5) One thing about VSL is that they never release any information about upcoming products. So, if there are any plans for a v2 of the App Strings there would be no hint of it until it hit the streets.
Also, I don't see a point in it. The product is perfect and achieves the goal VSL set for themselves and it fills a hole in the market place. I can maybe see them adding updates to it but to release a whole new set of samples would be redundant and unneccassary.
I hope I have aided you in making your decision and answered your questions.
David Mikautadze
@muziksculp said:
Q1) Which 'short-fortissimo' articulation of the "App. Strings" has the the most prominent bow/scrape of the bow type component of the sound, as far as the short articulations are concerned (Marc., Stacc, Spicc ?), and is it possible to increase the presence of scrape part of the sound by boosting some of the mid and high frequencies via EQ ?
Q2) How do you like the string Tremolos when playing various dynamics (pp, mp, ff, fff) ?
Q3) What exactly are the 'Harsh' articulation ? (i.e. how are they actually played by the string players ? and how useful are they in general string writing (or are they meant to be a special effect type sound ?)
Q4) How do the 'Performance Interval Fast' for (legato, spic., marc., harsh) differ from the normal (legato, spic,marc, harsh), just a bit more explanation, here would help get a clearer picture (I'm guessing they have an interval detection mechanism, but, just a a little more info. on this would be great).
Q5) Are there any future plans to further complement the current content of "Appa. Strings" with additional material.... maybe "Appa. Strings 2" ?