Hi all, thanks for your thoughts. For me, the programming question goes beyond what is merely 'correct'. Being able to tweak an instrument in a sampler opens up creative avenues which are lost (or made very difficult) if you take away editing facilities. On sessions, producers often ask me to extend the range of an instrument - when I explain that you can't do that inside the Vienna Instrument they are astonished.
>I'd rather the community work together to help them better their instrument design than hole away in our own little labs cooking up our own customized versions.
What's wrong with customized versions? One man's meat, etc. The two approaches aren't incompatible.
>To introduce an editor for the simple reasons outlined in my personal opinion is archaic and benile....
Seeing as programmable instruments and samplers haven't ceased to exist, 'archaic' seems too strong a word.
>I'd rather the community work together to help them better their instrument design than hole away in our own little labs cooking up our own customized versions.
What's wrong with customized versions? One man's meat, etc. The two approaches aren't incompatible.
>To introduce an editor for the simple reasons outlined in my personal opinion is archaic and benile....
Seeing as programmable instruments and samplers haven't ceased to exist, 'archaic' seems too strong a word.