Well, in that I would liken it to people wanting to dissect the Mac OS or run OSX on a PC.... it defeats the whole point of it.... [*-)] I'd rather have them spending their time building more libraries, expanding on existing ones, and generally doing exactly what they are already doing a lot of - it's good! I love imperfections in the library, they are perfect. As for technical issues, they always seem more than ready to correct legitimate technical errors, we just need to post them if we find them and I've seen on the forum for some time, they are very forthcoming, honest and deliberate in getting updates to customers fast.
Don't get me wrong, I respect your opinion and wishes and I'm sure you have your reasons but again let me give you another analogy, yes, a car analogy, I don't care if people don't like them but I don't want to tweak the onboard computer in my ferrari (if I had one) nor do I want to replace the rims with custom alloys, or put a spoiler on it.... I wan it just as it is. Man I wish I had a Ferrari, a brand new one, fresh from the factory....... [:D] I trust the wisdom and heart that the makers have put into their creation and it is exactly why I want to buy one, and not a suped up Nissan.
Now I will hide in my bomb shelter while I get pelted with rocks and other debris from that car analogy in a music forum... come on people - Ferrari and VSL - we're talking high art here!!! There IS a parallel!!!
Miklos. [:D]
Don't get me wrong, I respect your opinion and wishes and I'm sure you have your reasons but again let me give you another analogy, yes, a car analogy, I don't care if people don't like them but I don't want to tweak the onboard computer in my ferrari (if I had one) nor do I want to replace the rims with custom alloys, or put a spoiler on it.... I wan it just as it is. Man I wish I had a Ferrari, a brand new one, fresh from the factory....... [:D] I trust the wisdom and heart that the makers have put into their creation and it is exactly why I want to buy one, and not a suped up Nissan.
Now I will hide in my bomb shelter while I get pelted with rocks and other debris from that car analogy in a music forum... come on people - Ferrari and VSL - we're talking high art here!!! There IS a parallel!!!
Miklos. [:D]