popmann I'm with you on that one 100%. I think if there are minor issues that people want fixed it's far better to do it on a forum so that everyone can benefit from the experience and improvements via updates - seems to be the most appropriate avenue for such things and I think VSL would appreciate that kind of feedback that lets them improve their libraries even further.
I also think the idea of completely ruining the perfect simplicity, the "ideal" VI interface and usability is even more nightmarish than finding out that you have to edit your autoexec.bat and win.ini files on your Mac computer. it's a dream you assume is not real and you will wake up from... otherwise you will have to run screaming! I love what VSL has done for simplicity and work flow, agian, second to none. To introduce an editor for the simple reasons outlined in my personal opinion is archaic and benile.... sorry, that's what I think, and stupid frankly, but I"m not saying the posters are stupid, just the idea (big difference) [;)] anyway I just disagree with that idea very much and I think those small issues can be 90% address via a forum, and as for range extensions... ah, I don't agree with that, I think the instrument should be represented as it is, so we're on the same playing field and know where we stand, again that's just me I know others have their reasons and arguments for doing things otherwise. As for the organ, I don't think it should be tuned "up" it sounds absolutely ball breakingly fantastic in fact it's my absolute favourite instrument in the whole library and of any library - it's so COOL to play. amazing I love it don't change a thing VSL because you nailed that one perfect.
I also think the idea of completely ruining the perfect simplicity, the "ideal" VI interface and usability is even more nightmarish than finding out that you have to edit your autoexec.bat and win.ini files on your Mac computer. it's a dream you assume is not real and you will wake up from... otherwise you will have to run screaming! I love what VSL has done for simplicity and work flow, agian, second to none. To introduce an editor for the simple reasons outlined in my personal opinion is archaic and benile.... sorry, that's what I think, and stupid frankly, but I"m not saying the posters are stupid, just the idea (big difference) [;)] anyway I just disagree with that idea very much and I think those small issues can be 90% address via a forum, and as for range extensions... ah, I don't agree with that, I think the instrument should be represented as it is, so we're on the same playing field and know where we stand, again that's just me I know others have their reasons and arguments for doing things otherwise. As for the organ, I don't think it should be tuned "up" it sounds absolutely ball breakingly fantastic in fact it's my absolute favourite instrument in the whole library and of any library - it's so COOL to play. amazing I love it don't change a thing VSL because you nailed that one perfect.