@Another User said:
It doesn't have to be bus-powered or USB 2 for Syncrosoft
so far this is correct, but ...
if you run out of plugs this means there are other devices connected and you should be careful regarding the respective need of power and bandwidth (the dongle is sometimes sensible to instable currency)
a common design is tho have several USB controller hubs on board, each of them connected to 2 plugs, 1 or 2 of the controller hubs are often only connected to the *headers* (intended to be connected to internal devices like card-readers, ect), so getting the the brackets to lead them to accessible connectors might be a good idea anyway ...
as already mentioned earlier: IMO the whole USB protocol is crap and unfortunately many USB hubs are too ... the often claimed upward and downward compatibility (USB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1) is often just theory and a single misbehaving device can screw up the whole bus.
have an eye on USB *live* devices like webcams, tv- and sound-adapters, as well as passive devices in general ...