I(I think) you focussed a lot on making each line perfect, too perfect, we lost something natural in the overall mix, it's very hard to explain and I'm sure I'm not doing a very good job at it, maybe later I could find better words... [:D]
Hi Guy,
to much of honor for me. My part in shaping each certain line is quite poor compared to what Berg has already done in his composition.
What might disturb you may have to do something with the certain position of this Composition in the music-historical context.
For me it is just the Point where a thrilling "dark side" of the upcomming musical Expressionism arises. (For me Berg in relation to Mahler seems to be somewhat comparable to Egon Schiele in relation to to Gustav Klimt)
To me it is a kind of esthetical narcism of going beyond total perfection towards something consciously artificial.
What means in this case going beyond Mahler and Debussy by just consequently develop their musical means further. Leaving behind their roots in their "natural" melodic or emotional judgement of musical invention heading for something new and irritating.
Thats why still very much people intuitive reacts disturbed on that kind of music. I understand that, but on the other hand I love that as part of the certain genius of Berg.