Congratulation Beat, excellent jazz noise. The sampled applause is heart-warming, you deserve lots of the real thing for your stalwart work showing off the VSL library. (Anyone out there got any booing I can put in my demos?)
@Conquer said:
(Anyone out there got any booing I can put in my demos?)
This reminds me, when I did one of my jazz demos, can't remember which, I added applause and shouts after the solos but I came close, just for the fun of it, to putting some booing as well, just like if some great jazz connaisseur or jerks were in the crowd...
Es ist zum Mäusemelken! (German Idiom)
My Sharp Electronic Dictionary tells me:
>It is enough to drive you up the wall!<
The crowd asks for Euphonium > The crowd gets Euphonium
"Nice jazz noise! nice claps"
The crowd asks for more claps and boos > the crowd gets claps and boos
"Nice hand cream, nice tomatos!"
The crowd asks for more cream and tomatos
"Nice store"
The crowd asks...
...A right mess we're in now! [[;)]]
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": -
Es ist zum Mäusemelken! (German Idiom)
My Sharp Electronic Dictionary tells me:
>It is enough to drive you up the wall!<
The crowd asks for Euphonium > The crowd gets Euphonium
"Nice jazz noise! nice claps"
The crowd asks for more claps and boos > the crowd gets claps and boos
"Nice hand cream, nice tomatos!"
The crowd asks for more cream and tomatos
"Nice store"
The crowd asks...
...A right mess we're in now! [[;)]]
[:D] I feel your pain. I thought your Euphonium demo was delightful. The piece made me happy.
@JBacal said:
[:D] I feel your pain. I thought your Euphonium demo was delightful. The piece made me happy.
Best, Jay
No problem, Jay, but thanks for the consolation!
One thing is very clear: I don't put tomatos online (for download) [:D]
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": -
[[:|]] [H]
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": -
When is someone going to release a jazz bassoon album?
Listen to Paul Hanson playing with Bela Fleck & the Flecktones (Live at the Quick - DVD)
By the way, when I posted the link to the "boos" a few days ago, I tried to add: " Your demos can't be THAT bad.... [[;)]] "
The forum wouldn't let me edit my post.
Regards - Colin