Anyone who has Woods I (Standard Set) knows exactly what the above header refers to, that annoying, Clarinet valve action after-effect that's in a few notes of the Solo Clarinet trills sample.
I'd read a few complaints about this online from a few cube users some time ago, but didn't worry about it, since I was sure that it was something that had been corrected for the VI series. But it's RIGHT there, in all it's "pecking" glory!
When the sample is blended with other instrument sounds, or gets a decent dose of reverb on it, it's not as noticable. But solo Clarinet trill passages figure extensively in the small arrangement that my composing partner recently remixed with VI sounds, and it REALLY got on my nerves while he was tweaking it! My partner would agrue that it contributes to the realism and character of the instrument sample, but Jeez, VITO!!
The next time they do a sample instrument update, I hope they ensure the Clarinetist for the recording uses a GOOD dose of valve cream!!
I'd read a few complaints about this online from a few cube users some time ago, but didn't worry about it, since I was sure that it was something that had been corrected for the VI series. But it's RIGHT there, in all it's "pecking" glory!
When the sample is blended with other instrument sounds, or gets a decent dose of reverb on it, it's not as noticable. But solo Clarinet trill passages figure extensively in the small arrangement that my composing partner recently remixed with VI sounds, and it REALLY got on my nerves while he was tweaking it! My partner would agrue that it contributes to the realism and character of the instrument sample, but Jeez, VITO!!
The next time they do a sample instrument update, I hope they ensure the Clarinetist for the recording uses a GOOD dose of valve cream!!