I have just read about Physical Address Extention in Win XP 32 bit - which allows us to use RAM of upto 4 GB.
Does this method have stability issues? Anyone else using Win XP 32 bit with more than 2 GB of RAM.
My cubase almost always crashes near 1.93 GB RAM loaded. Its a dual core 2.4 Ghz E6600 processor with 4 GB Corsair RAM.
VI will load instruments upto clost to 2 GB. After that the system kind of becomes very unstable.
Also When I close a patch in VI - It does not free the RAM that sample was taking up. I have to drag NO PATCH on the cell on the left to free the ram.
Why doesnt VI automatically free the ram when I just click on the little cross of the sample loadeed in the cell?
Can anyone from VSL reply to this?
Does this method have stability issues? Anyone else using Win XP 32 bit with more than 2 GB of RAM.
My cubase almost always crashes near 1.93 GB RAM loaded. Its a dual core 2.4 Ghz E6600 processor with 4 GB Corsair RAM.
VI will load instruments upto clost to 2 GB. After that the system kind of becomes very unstable.
Also When I close a patch in VI - It does not free the RAM that sample was taking up. I have to drag NO PATCH on the cell on the left to free the ram.
Why doesnt VI automatically free the ram when I just click on the little cross of the sample loadeed in the cell?
Can anyone from VSL reply to this?