Hi All,
Sorry to ask this, but I couldn't find this information on the product/library descriptions. I'd like to know how much RAM is used when one loads each section of the Appassionata Strings (Std. & Full) for MAC OS X.
Violins Std. takes up ??? RAM
Violins Full takes up ??? RAM
Violas Std. takes up ??? RAM
Violas Full takes up ??? RAM
Cellos Std. takes up ??? RAM
Cellos Full takes up ??? RAM
(I'm not concerned with the Basses, just the ones above.)
I would really appreciate it if anyone familiar with App. Strings could answer this.
Thanks, Brian
Sorry to ask this, but I couldn't find this information on the product/library descriptions. I'd like to know how much RAM is used when one loads each section of the Appassionata Strings (Std. & Full) for MAC OS X.
Violins Std. takes up ??? RAM
Violins Full takes up ??? RAM
Violas Std. takes up ??? RAM
Violas Full takes up ??? RAM
Cellos Std. takes up ??? RAM
Cellos Full takes up ??? RAM
(I'm not concerned with the Basses, just the ones above.)
I would really appreciate it if anyone familiar with App. Strings could answer this.
Thanks, Brian