I am using Windows XP x64 since late 2005. Rock-stable. I am still using an out-of-date Terratec EWS 88 D audio card - just ADAT in/out (which was about 100 EUR back then). Terratec was one of the first manufacturers to release x64 drivers for their audio cards. Maybe RME performs better (buffer sizes), but it is far more expensive.
It would be nice to have a 64-bit version of the VSL instruments plug-in to load more samples. Unfortunately, a 64-bit version of a DAW application (like Sonar x64) will not be able to load 32-bit plug-ins, so it has to start another (32-bit) application to be used as a "tray" application for 32-bit VST plug-ins (streaming MIDI and audio from one application to another). Sonar has developed the "BitBridge" application (a tray for all, not single, 32-bit VST plug-ins), but it seems to be quite buggy.
Another trick under x64 to use MUCH more RAM would be to have a 32-bit version of VSL which starts another (independent) 32-bit application on the x64 system, streams MIDI data to this application and gets back audio (like FX-TELEPORT if it was used on one single system without a remote computer). So, EVERY instance of VSL would be able to load up to 4 GB of samples, since on an x64 system, every single 32-bit application can utilize up to 4 GB of RAM (normally, if using a 32-bit DAW application on x64, it is the DAW application INCLUDING all plug-ins which can IN TOTAL not exceed the 4 GB limit).
If this came true, I would look forward to install at least 64 GB of RAM in an x64 system. No need then for countless "mini PCs" around the host machine each running one instance of VSL with a GBit switch and FX-TELEPORT.