Just to understand, I am a registered owner of Vienna Brass 1 and 2, so I qualify for the limited offer on Special Brass ~ extended library free -- am I correct? Also, my salesguy told me that if I want the standard and extended it comes as two separate items and not bundled in one. Is that correct?
special brass 2 separate items??
Hi faucetmusic,
I just checked your account and you have licensed both Brass I&II Full Libraries, so you do qualify for the time limited offer [:)]
As with all our collections, you receive the Standard and Extended Library as one item, please tell your sales guy [;)]
You simply need to get the Standard Library before July 15th and you will automatically receive a Full Library Activation Code upon registering your Standard Library of Special Brass (= you get the Extended Library for free [:)]).
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Demos Paul ????? I am sure that Guy, Beat and Jay (and others) will put together awseome full pieces using these new instruments - but until those are finished can you at least release SOLO articulations - just some simple improvised lines. For those of us who have all your stuff (and many other libraries) - we will actually get more from this exposed demo - as we will really be able to here the character and tone of the new stuff.
If it is good (as I expect it to be) - this will sell it. IMHO.