I'm using preset 1 of the Solo Strings - Violin (in Logic Pro 7.2.3 on a Mac Pro w/ 4GB RAM). Is it possible to increase the duration of any given legato note beyond where it deays at the end of the sample? Is there a way to make it loop? Can anything be done in VSI itself? My current solution is to render the MIDI file playing VSI and stretch the end of the note sample using Melodyne.
Solo Violin - Duration of legato notes
Hello drdave. Melodyne is useful for that. As a fellow Logic user my solution would be to sample the note you want to extend, load it into EXS24, create a loop and save it as an EXS instrument. It's a lot of trouble to go to, but you can't create loops within the VI. EXS24 can do non-destructive real-time crossfades at the loop point, which makes loop creation easier.
Hi drdave,
an easy method to get longer note out of the Solo Strings is to load a sustain into the second slot of the cell and then use Cell Xfade to quickly crossfade to the sustained note right after the transition.
Of course you can also retrigger the note you want to be sustained, you will automatically get a repetition note (sounds like a bow change).
Both methods are faster than stretching the audio in Melodyne, plus you get live results [:)]
Here are our Video Tutorials that you will find very helpful [:)]
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support