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  • thanks Stéphane, i've not been up to date here ... btw: when i checked out bidule the last time i've been impressed how intuitively i've been able to understand the GUI (environment)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    There is another possibility to find all (?) the 64 bit hosts : The KVR database.
    Here it is the actual result

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    @cm said:

    well i've read the lines ... sounds interesting, but is not a 64bit host ... lets see if it limits to 4 (as expected) or 8 GB RAM

    64bit version (beta, I think) just released. Now over to you guys..... Oh, and make sure that Syncrosoft has its a*se in gear. [:D]


  • hmmm, should i have receivved a respective newsletter?
    though i can confirm LCC installs and works fine on XP64 i just notice it runs as x32 process ... i'll keep you posted ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    Ok, now we have prerelease of FXT x64 Server. Tested it with iZotope.
    Will wait for other mentioned plug-ins availability in 64-bit, test and release. It is 64-bit server slaving to 32-bit master. Had not built 64-bit host yet.

    So, as I said, over to you guys. [8-)]


  • CM,

    "Bidule Is A 64 Bit Host" (thanx stephane)

    Time to write that 64 bit version just in time for September release of MAC OS [;)]

    no excuses.


  • haha ... let's wait for the release (and possibly the first updates) and drivers, then look how the final code works, then run internal tests and then announce anything ... has been good practice in the past.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    haha ... let's wait for the release (and possibly the first updates) and drivers, then look how the final code works, then run internal tests and then announce anything ... has been good practice in the past.

    Yes, us Windows users have been waiting at least 3 years, so why rush for a minority OS. [:D]


  • "what will be the advantage of 64 bit aside from addressable RAM? aside from x-ray pictures (fine greyscale) no graphical advantage, we don't expect audio to use 64bit in the near future, quality of video formats is actually decreasing (mpeg compressed and still 32bit), representation of unicode characters will still be 2 byte (16 bit), ect ... "

    Cakewalk Sonar is already 64-bit. "aside from addressable RAM"? That's the whole point! Loading up a modestly thick orchestration requires over 2 GB of RAM. Windows XP non-64 bit supports only 3 GB (at least on my system). That leaves me less than 1 GB for other apps.

    It's pretty ridiculous more people aren't supporting 64-bit. Visual Studio comes with native 64-bit support - basically all you have to do is recompile. .NET automatically supports 64-bit if you program it correctly (granted you can't do a VST with .NET, but you can do other things, UI, etc.).

    Come on guys! Time to move out of the 20th century.

    To answer the original question -
    I'm currently building a new machine with the Core2 Quad and 4 GB of RAM. I'll let you all know how it turns out. I'm also - get this - programming my own g.d.'d VST host (in 64-bits obviously) because none of the current ones have what I'm looking for or work reliably. Finale will control the host computer via IP MIDI.

  • I am looking into upgrading my music system. I currently use EWSOP, Groove Agent, Colossus, VSL Orch Pro, VSL VI SE, Synthogy, and many other EXS24 based samples. I want to see if I can simplify my system into one computer and put various sections on one hard drive rather than separate computers. I am looking at the following system:

    Mac Pro:
    # CPU- Two 3.0GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
    # RAM- 8GB (4 x 2GB)
    # Hard Drive 1-250GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s
    # Hard Drive 2-500GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s
    # Hard Drive 3-500GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s
    # Hard Drive 4-150GB 10K-rpm Master Serial ATA
    # NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256MB (single-link DVI/dual-link DVI)
    # Two 16x SuperDrives
    # Both Bluetooth 2.0+EDR

    I am also looking into the Apogee Ensemble. Would RME be a better choice? Apple is involved in the Ensemble for enhanced compatability with Logic. Any comments or suggestions. Any suggested reading material? I sometimes feel lost with all the computer jargon. I subscribe to VI magazine, have Paul Gilreath's book, but cannot seem to get my questions answered about the best route to go. Will the Windows Parallels program allow me to run Vista if ultimately I should convert my current Mac Pro dual core 2.5 ghz, 4.5 gb ram to a program to run Gigasampler. Presently I have a Win XP Carillon machine connected to my Mac and use midi-over-lan. The articles in VI mag have been very helpful. I seem to be more comfortable with the stability of the Macs. I am not unhappy with my system, I would just like more simplicity. [*-)]:

  • Hi Chris,

    That the intent of my original post.

    Here's what I decided to do in 2 steps.

    I'm going to replace my PC for a Mac Pro 2.66 with 8Go RAM and 3 HD (10000rpm for the master and 2x7200rpm for samples)

    The Mac Pro will be my main Midi composing station using Logic Pro and Kore 2 (to load more samples with the Standalone-Mode) with a Presonus Firestation.

    It will be linked to my editing/mixing PT HD station on my current Dual G5 with 4Go RAM.

    PT will be used to audition the outputs of Logic via Lightpipe (16 I/O) using auxiliary inputs and MTC for sync (with a Virtual Midi Cable).

    I'll be able to automate the pre-mix with the auxes.
    Then I'll just have to import a template for audio tracks when I'm ready to mix.

    A few paths will be necessary to bounce the tracks but at least 8 stereo (or 16 mono) will be done at once.

    Why not using Logic Pro on the Main station?
    - PT doesn't allow to use the audio in 2 programs simultaneously
    - Midi timing / latency will be better than using MidiOverLAN.
    - I can pre-mix using the full power of my Dual G5.

    Ultimately I'll upgrade the Presonus Firestation to a RME Madi Card with an SSL Madi Bridge as interface for PT. That will bring me 64 i/O which will be way enough for my mixing needs.

    PT will then be used as a traditional recording/mixing console mode.

    It's totally possible to use only one station but it's a personal choice.
    I'd rather have 2 stations for the reasons mentioned above.

    I forgot to mention the 2 computers will share one keyboard/monitor/mouse using a KVM switch.

    I'm going on vacation for a few weeks (lucky me!) but I'll post an update as soon as my setup is ready (mid-july).

    I'm still not sure about the presonus firestation so any suggestions are welcome (I need 16 Adat I/O).

    Hope this helps!