Hi Christian,
Thanks for your reply.
I believe RME is just about to release a PCI-Express version of the Madi Cards.
It's supposed to ship within a month.
As I said, I'm talking about a system that I probably won't build before 6 months or so.
I realize there's going to be some issues at the start and I'm not expecting everybody to release drivers or software versions right away. I assume it will probably take 1 year or 2.
That's why I'm talking about a system for the future.
My point/question is that it might actually be better to build a system thinking about what's coming up.
The system will already work as of now with limitations but will be ready when each company will release the necessary updates.
As I said, I'm already happy with what I have and that doesn't prevent me from working but if I'm going to update my system, I'd rather see a lit bit ahead of time even if it costs a little more money.
I'm not changing my setup every day. I consider it as a 5 year investement.
That's why I've been posting this thread.
I'm still thinking about the whole thing and I'm not saying I'm right.
I just put everything on table to get as much feedback as I can to see if that seems feasible and reasonable with the knowledge I have.
This is a personal choice of course but at the same time, I'm open to any suggestions and critics about it.
I just want to make a smart investment [:)]
Thanks for your reply.
I believe RME is just about to release a PCI-Express version of the Madi Cards.
It's supposed to ship within a month.
As I said, I'm talking about a system that I probably won't build before 6 months or so.
I realize there's going to be some issues at the start and I'm not expecting everybody to release drivers or software versions right away. I assume it will probably take 1 year or 2.
That's why I'm talking about a system for the future.
My point/question is that it might actually be better to build a system thinking about what's coming up.
The system will already work as of now with limitations but will be ready when each company will release the necessary updates.
As I said, I'm already happy with what I have and that doesn't prevent me from working but if I'm going to update my system, I'd rather see a lit bit ahead of time even if it costs a little more money.
I'm not changing my setup every day. I consider it as a 5 year investement.
That's why I've been posting this thread.
I'm still thinking about the whole thing and I'm not saying I'm right.
I just put everything on table to get as much feedback as I can to see if that seems feasible and reasonable with the knowledge I have.
This is a personal choice of course but at the same time, I'm open to any suggestions and critics about it.
I just want to make a smart investment [:)]