Hello. My apologies in advance if this topic has been covered previously.
We have run into a problem where we don't seem to get enough polyphony from VI running as multiple AU instances within a secondary Logic-Sampler machine. We have 8 instances of VI comprised of woodwinds, strings, and percussion.
G5 Dual 2.0Ghz
Logic 7.2.3 (For now, the buffer is set to 512)
Samples all on Glyph GT062 (RAID Stripe) FW800 interface
RME Hammerfall HDSP9652
Everything in studio clocked from Big Ben with Word Clock Cable
When we make a sequence in the Main G5 (also running Logic 7.2.3) to trigger the secondary G5, we get a zipper-y effect with messages of Audio Overload. However when we import the same MIDI data directly into the secondary G5 to let it trigger the Vienna Instruments from its own arrange window, everything plays back fine. Exact same MIDI data.... [*-)]
We made sure that we weren't bombarding the secondary G5 with insignificant MIDI messages. No MIDI Clock, no sysex, just the plain Note-on/off and CC messages for volumes and mod wheel.
We were advised of how Logic increases it's buffer more than what the audio buffer is set at, when a track is not in record mode, so we have taken the secondary G5's instrument tracks all out of record. We don't seem to notice a difference, and are still puzzled over how the same MIDI data either triggered from a external sequencer or internally from the arrange window can make such a big difference.
Please advise if there are any ideas to solving this issue. I thank you in advance for your kind and generous attention to this matter. [:O]
We have run into a problem where we don't seem to get enough polyphony from VI running as multiple AU instances within a secondary Logic-Sampler machine. We have 8 instances of VI comprised of woodwinds, strings, and percussion.
G5 Dual 2.0Ghz
Logic 7.2.3 (For now, the buffer is set to 512)
Samples all on Glyph GT062 (RAID Stripe) FW800 interface
RME Hammerfall HDSP9652
Everything in studio clocked from Big Ben with Word Clock Cable
When we make a sequence in the Main G5 (also running Logic 7.2.3) to trigger the secondary G5, we get a zipper-y effect with messages of Audio Overload. However when we import the same MIDI data directly into the secondary G5 to let it trigger the Vienna Instruments from its own arrange window, everything plays back fine. Exact same MIDI data.... [*-)]
We made sure that we weren't bombarding the secondary G5 with insignificant MIDI messages. No MIDI Clock, no sysex, just the plain Note-on/off and CC messages for volumes and mod wheel.
We were advised of how Logic increases it's buffer more than what the audio buffer is set at, when a track is not in record mode, so we have taken the secondary G5's instrument tracks all out of record. We don't seem to notice a difference, and are still puzzled over how the same MIDI data either triggered from a external sequencer or internally from the arrange window can make such a big difference.
Please advise if there are any ideas to solving this issue. I thank you in advance for your kind and generous attention to this matter. [:O]