as a sidenote: didn't you notice a loss of performance using 9 GB (4 x 2GB + 2 x 512MB) compared to 8 GB?
A loss? Good question.
What I notice more is the substantial improvement over performance with my G5 2.5 PPC Dual with 8GB installed.
The jury is still out on the MacPro. I've read that one should install RAM in "fours" for the best performance, but I've yet to determine if I've actually seen 8GB performing better or 9GB performing worse. There's something in this that doesn't make sense.
So far, I don't see any difference. If you have some specific numbers on this from real-world experience, I'd appreciate any info you'd have to offer.
That I can run more than 6 instances (as I could on my PPC) is cause for celebration. That this number has increased by a factor of almost 5 on the MacPro has had me smiling since the day I got VSL-VI installed.