VSL has been so uproariously successful with their acoustic instrument sampling projects, I really wonder if distorted guitar is an area where they should be spending a lot of time. A VI of their classical guitar would be nice, though.
With the profusion of amp model and efx plug-ins that are available on the market, I think it's been established that an already distorted guitar sample library is just not the way to go these days. If you start out with clean electric guitar samples (essentially what comes out of the guitar output jack) and run them through models, you'll get a 100% more convincing result.
If VSL wanted to do a clean electric guitar VI, it would be a worthy project. I just don't know if the world needs the original over-drive guitar library in VI form (I know I don't).
There's a lot of competition in the sampled guitar area these days, which might be another reason why VSL would want to focus on their real strengths. There are some HUGE sampled electric guitar libraries out on the market (like the 60 GB LPC).
Personally, I've bought most of these other products. They are impressive, but not a lot of fun to use. Guitar is just one of those instruments where the actual set up of the instrument is so important to the conception of what you play.
To get really convincing guitar parts with the huge libraries is a real PITA. In the long run (and even in the short run), I think it makes sense to learn how to play guitar, and use the samples only for things that are technically above your head. That's what I decided to do about two years ago, and it was one of the better decisions I've made. If you've got good keyboard chops, a knowledge of theory, and improvisational skills, you should be able to pick up guitar quite rapidly. Once you're underway, even the thought of using electric guitar samples will seem more and more lame.
The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll be shredding. [:D]