@Hulsebosch said:
I like to use:
a string section of 10+ instruments
one solo instrument ( flute, trumpet etc.)
I hope this is enough information
Hello Hulsebosch
You will be able to work with VIs and your Computer-Equipment. That's my meaning.
But you want be able to load up lots of different articulations for every of the "10+" Vienna-Instruments in the mean time. Nevertheless there are some solutions for you and your system:
1. Edit and build every instrument (Violins1, Violins2, Flute...) one after the other. "Prefinished" an instrument use the "learn-mode" in VI which finally chuck out the unused samples - and there are quit a lot! So you don't use a lot of RAM for every VI (= the Flute for example) even if you play a lot of different articulations.
2. Begin with mini-articulation-sets for every instruments, which lets you play nearly all situations in a first "round":
Load for example:
- the Unversal Legato Articulation
- the Short Notes Articulations
- the Dynamic Articulations 2s / 3s (for dim and cresc)
3. Further: To save some CPU-Power (audio side) you can select the "Freezing-Function" for every instrument in Cubase SX3.
And a finally remark:
The creation of a piece with samples takes a lot of time - even if you have a Rolls Royce as Computer or not.
So perhaps there is also the possibility to create the strings in a first step, make a downmix of them and chuck out the vienna instruments then. In a second step you play other additional instruments. If you need to change string parts after that, you will not loose a lot of time to reload the string vienna instruments (which are saved as set of course).
If you are hating this procedure later on > Save money for a Rolls [:D] .
Wait for more recommendations of other VI-users
All the best
Beat Kaufmann