This is my first post in VSL forum and first time to have VI libraries hi every body..I decided to buy VI Special Edition but do i have to buy the extended library too because i noticed this library has appassionata strings which i like it so much [:D] for this reason i decided to buy the extended library too or i should go for VI SE standard library plus VI appassionnata strings SE ?
When i checked our dealer in uk ''TIME+SPACE'' on line i noticed they sell just the standard library not the extended ! is that mean the extended library just for VIP member ?
Best regards [H]
This is my first post in VSL forum and first time to have VI libraries hi every body..I decided to buy VI Special Edition but do i have to buy the extended library too because i noticed this library has appassionata strings which i like it so much [:D] for this reason i decided to buy the extended library too or i should go for VI SE standard library plus VI appassionnata strings SE ?
When i checked our dealer in uk ''TIME+SPACE'' on line i noticed they sell just the standard library not the extended ! is that mean the extended library just for VIP member ?
Best regards [H]