I have had some issues since installing OS 10.4.9 - the one that affects Vienna Instruments software is a change in the amount of time it takes to open (initially) a a single empty instance of the VI plugin. Prior to installing 10.4.9 this took 1' 10" but afterwords, it took 6 minutes to accomplish this.
However, after rebuilding the directories of the startup disk and the sample library disk (a 1 terabyte SATA RAID 0 array consisting of two 500GB Seagate drives) with Alsoft's DiskWarrior, loading a single empty instance of the plugin again took 1'10". Now, two weeks later, loading single empty istance of the plugin into Logic takes 3' 24." I have not dowloaded Apple's latest "Security Update" which was released yesterday. I will try rebuilding the diretories again with DiskWarrior and report back.
However, after rebuilding the directories of the startup disk and the sample library disk (a 1 terabyte SATA RAID 0 array consisting of two 500GB Seagate drives) with Alsoft's DiskWarrior, loading a single empty instance of the plugin again took 1'10". Now, two weeks later, loading single empty istance of the plugin into Logic takes 3' 24." I have not dowloaded Apple's latest "Security Update" which was released yesterday. I will try rebuilding the diretories again with DiskWarrior and report back.