Hi! There...
If someone from VSL could clarify this - it would be great.
Next week, I am looking to buy some of the VI stuff. I already have Brass 1 and Orchestral Strings 1.
I have a few questions about this.
1. How can I upgrade an existing module of the symphonic cube? I already have Orchestral Strings 1 standard and I understand that the extended content is already installed - How can I pay for the extended bit? Do I have to use my credit card via the VSL web site or can I buy locally in the UK. If yes, then how? Do I just need to call up some shop and ask them to give me a code or something? How does this work because I wont be needing any DVD's for such a purchase through the post.
2. Same question in different situation - For buying extended content libraries directly from shops for the first time (without owning the standard edition) - I just need to ask them for Extended edition package and they will give me the relevant Serial numbers or do I have to buy standard first and then contact VSL for extended - since again, I will already have the content - so no more physical purchase is required.
3. I have Opus 1, 2 , Chamber Strings and Epic Horns registered - How can I get the discount on the extended content? Do I have to mention this to the shop keepers? Is there some code VSL will issue? Or I just have to do all this vis VSL? Basically, how can I redeem my discount via a local UK shop?
The whole point is that I want to be able to use my Local UK Debit card locally in the UK instead of using my low limit credit card on VSL - that will limit my purchase.
Also - Final questions - I want to buy Special Brass - how can I pre- order this? Can I do this in a shop here in the UK? And when is it expected to come out?
If someone from VSL could clarify this - it would be great.
Next week, I am looking to buy some of the VI stuff. I already have Brass 1 and Orchestral Strings 1.
I have a few questions about this.
1. How can I upgrade an existing module of the symphonic cube? I already have Orchestral Strings 1 standard and I understand that the extended content is already installed - How can I pay for the extended bit? Do I have to use my credit card via the VSL web site or can I buy locally in the UK. If yes, then how? Do I just need to call up some shop and ask them to give me a code or something? How does this work because I wont be needing any DVD's for such a purchase through the post.
2. Same question in different situation - For buying extended content libraries directly from shops for the first time (without owning the standard edition) - I just need to ask them for Extended edition package and they will give me the relevant Serial numbers or do I have to buy standard first and then contact VSL for extended - since again, I will already have the content - so no more physical purchase is required.
3. I have Opus 1, 2 , Chamber Strings and Epic Horns registered - How can I get the discount on the extended content? Do I have to mention this to the shop keepers? Is there some code VSL will issue? Or I just have to do all this vis VSL? Basically, how can I redeem my discount via a local UK shop?
The whole point is that I want to be able to use my Local UK Debit card locally in the UK instead of using my low limit credit card on VSL - that will limit my purchase.
Also - Final questions - I want to buy Special Brass - how can I pre- order this? Can I do this in a shop here in the UK? And when is it expected to come out?