G5 2.5 Dual PPC, 8GB RAM OS 10.4.8, latest versions of Syncrosoft and VSL installers (as of 5 days ago)
Storage: internal SATA, eSATA II
DP 5.11, buffers @512
17 instances loaded with L1 Articulation Combi's
1. picc: 55MB, 893 samples
2. fl1: 119 MB, 1919 samples
3. fl2: 87MB, 1404 samples
4. ob1: 84MB, 1346 samples
5. ob2: 78MB, 1258 samples
6. eh: 78MB, 1252 samples
7. cl e-flat: 107MB, 1714 samples
8. cl b-flat: 123MB, 1978 samples
9. bcl: 128MB, 2060 samples
10. bsn: 101MB, 1631 samples
11. cbsn: 59MB, 946 samples
12. fh (vienna): 101MB, 1628 samples
13. fh (triple): 84MB, 1351 samples
14. trumpet C: 94MB, 1511 samples
15. tenor tbn: 81MB, 1307 samples
16. bs tbn: 93MB, 1493 samples
17. tuba: 100MB, 1582 samples
25,273 samples
Initial license scan time, without samples: 1m 20 sec
Reload time, with samples (without reboot): 1m 45 sec
CPU-- hovering @50% (occasional spikes during standstill)
Activity Monitor:
Wired: 1.95GB
Active: 162.24MB
Inactive: 2.25GB
Used: 4.36GB
Virtual Memory: 11.78GB
I suspect that a lower buffer could be used in Logic, but the other numbers are likely to be the similar.
The question remains as to how usable this template is with only Artic. Combis loaded. There are no perf leg matrices included, which is where the library shines.
My guess that 6-8 instances with L1 Artic Combi and an L1 Perf Leg matrices (2 matrices per instance) would be more usable and fairly close to the same CPU/RAM load. 6-8 instances appear to be consistent with what I've been able to load up reasonably well.
Pops and clicks can occur easily at 512 buffers, so 1024 often has to be used at the risk of latency, as Jerome pointed out.
One thought: using the generic combination string patch will help save on instance and matrix counts in a sketchpad setup.
All for now.
Storage: internal SATA, eSATA II
DP 5.11, buffers @512
17 instances loaded with L1 Articulation Combi's
1. picc: 55MB, 893 samples
2. fl1: 119 MB, 1919 samples
3. fl2: 87MB, 1404 samples
4. ob1: 84MB, 1346 samples
5. ob2: 78MB, 1258 samples
6. eh: 78MB, 1252 samples
7. cl e-flat: 107MB, 1714 samples
8. cl b-flat: 123MB, 1978 samples
9. bcl: 128MB, 2060 samples
10. bsn: 101MB, 1631 samples
11. cbsn: 59MB, 946 samples
12. fh (vienna): 101MB, 1628 samples
13. fh (triple): 84MB, 1351 samples
14. trumpet C: 94MB, 1511 samples
15. tenor tbn: 81MB, 1307 samples
16. bs tbn: 93MB, 1493 samples
17. tuba: 100MB, 1582 samples
25,273 samples
Initial license scan time, without samples: 1m 20 sec
Reload time, with samples (without reboot): 1m 45 sec
CPU-- hovering @50% (occasional spikes during standstill)
Activity Monitor:
Wired: 1.95GB
Active: 162.24MB
Inactive: 2.25GB
Used: 4.36GB
Virtual Memory: 11.78GB
I suspect that a lower buffer could be used in Logic, but the other numbers are likely to be the similar.
The question remains as to how usable this template is with only Artic. Combis loaded. There are no perf leg matrices included, which is where the library shines.
My guess that 6-8 instances with L1 Artic Combi and an L1 Perf Leg matrices (2 matrices per instance) would be more usable and fairly close to the same CPU/RAM load. 6-8 instances appear to be consistent with what I've been able to load up reasonably well.
Pops and clicks can occur easily at 512 buffers, so 1024 often has to be used at the risk of latency, as Jerome pointed out.
One thought: using the generic combination string patch will help save on instance and matrix counts in a sketchpad setup.
All for now.