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  • Orchestral Variations and Fantasy on a Theme by Schumann

    Guy Bacos composed these highly entertaining variations on an original theme of "Scenes of Childhood" by Robert Schumann, Op.15

    Each variation focus on certain instruments and articulations:

    1-Original theme, Scenes of Childhood, by Robert Schumann, Op.15
    2-Variation on piano
    3-Arpeggios with woodwinds
    4-String fast scale runs
    5-Mordents and trills with woodwinds
    6-String tremolos and harp arpeggios
    7- Reminder of original theme on piano
    8-String repetition notes with low notes and harmonics on solo violin
    9-Grace notes on strings
    10 Appassionata strings, legato/portamento
    11-Fast repetition notes with strings
    12-Brass, Portamento, fp and sfz on horns/tromb. and trumpets on melody
    13-Arpeggios with solo woodwinds
    14-Fast scale runs on solo flute and clarinet
    15-Repetition notes on brass
    16-Harp (2 harps for this var.) Bisbigliando, gliss and chords
    17-Variation on 2nd half of the piece, piano solo
    18-Soprano choir and organ
    19-Solo strings, violin, viola and cello. 3 part fugue
    21-Percussion (interlude)
    24-Appassionata violins FX, elements, soprano and piano
    25-Saxophone, piano and perc

    thanks a lot Guy!

    PS don't miss the least two variations, especially No 24, a scary one.

  • Great fun! I loved hearing so many techniques and instruments. Some of my favorites: 10, 23, 24.


  • Very inventive, very original, very entertaining.

    The trumpet repetitions didn't work for me. If it was meant to be groups of four semiquavers passing between different trumpets it wasn't snappy or rhythmically accurate. Difficult to do at that speed (live or sampled I expect)Of course I may have completely misunderstood.

  • Dave,

    I replaced that variation....

  • The variation for piano (No. 2) was really delightful.

    Also No. 13, 14, 16 & 23 were fab as well.

  • Wow [:)] Without prejudice and with definite respect to all the other great demo makers on the site whom I admire, this has to be the single best Viennna Instruments showcase of them all. If I had to direct somebody to just one demo to give them the best and fullest over view of the library in one package this would be it. Besides the fact that it has so many different textures and really shows the fullness and breadth of the libraries capabilities sonically it's simply extremely well put together, programmed and performed. The sound is great. It also shows your own very creative capabilities in the many different styles you've used. Really fantastic, entertaining for sure! I especially love the last few where they blend the vastly different styles in a way that is really telling a story in a way, even though one doesn't expect it will work, you made it work perfectly (I would say more of that in the future please!). Congratulations!

    Best Regards,

  • That's about as complete a demo as anyone could ever do! I love the saxes and "sleazy variations" at the end!

    Great job on that, Guy.

    By the way I'm glad to see Robert Schumann being represented - one of the greatest composers of all time, though people are always saying stupid things about him, like he is too flowery, or whatever bullshit. His symphonies, piano concerto, songs, not to mention piano music are some of the greatest ever composed. He was definitely a victim of the Anti-Romantic movement of the early 20th century that happily is now over, allowing his true significance as a composer to be realized.

  • Thanks for all the comments.

    And William, I agree 100% that Schumann's music is deeper than some may think, it took me a long time to appreciate Schumann, probably because I was constantly under the spell of Chopin's music, I'm glad I can appreciate them equally now. I don't think you could find a simpler piece with as much beauty than this 1st piece from "Scenes from Childhood".

  • Yeah the last parts were very creative [:)]

  • Guy Bacos does it again! Nice work Guy. I challenge ANYONE to tell me that it is impossible to put true character and emotion into orchestral samples! You can't just HEAR this piece - you can FEEL it. Schumann would be proud.

    Great use of Glass and Stones as well.

    Careful and effective use of the mod wheel on Brass. Wow! That brass sure rips doesnt it?

    Nicely done Guy! Looking forwrd to hearing much more from this talented composer/arranger/orchestrator.

    -Terry Michael Huud

  • Wow! what an excellent piece of work!
    i really like all the details you put into this track.
    great work!

  • A big thanks to all the kind comments. [:D]


    If Schumann would be proud, that sure makes my day...

  • Very interesting, what an excellent piece of work!
    I really like all the details and nuances you put into this work.The organ variation is my favorite.
    Great job!
    Petr Kepka

  • Hi Guy,

    these variations are just amazing. Now I have the full VI orchestral strings,
    I'd really like to know what patch for the strings you used in the 4th variation.
    Was it a combination of runs, and another patch, or just one patch.

    thanks, I'd love to know if possible.

    best regards.

    Steve [:D]

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    @Steve Martin said:

    Hi Guy,

    these variations are just amazing. Now I have the full VI orchestral strings,
    I'd really like to know what patch for the strings you used in the 4th variation.
    Was it a combination of runs, and another patch, or just one patch.

    thanks, I'd love to know if possible.

    best regards.

    Steve [:D]

    Thanks Steve.

    It was a combination of scale runs, but it demands perfect timing for it to sound natural. However it's doable.

  • Hi Guy,

    thanks for the answer. I must say that when I listened to these variations I would start thinking how the instrumental combinations you used were very effective, and, particularly this variation, gave me ideas for a piece using a similiar sound in the strings.

    Thanks again for your reply,


    Steve [:D]

  • Great stuff Guy! How do you find the time???

  • I think it's like learning to play the violin, you have the tool but the more you improve the playing aspect the faster and better everything goes.

  • I've always loved Schumann's Kinderszenen. Schumann is in my mind one of the greatest romantic composers, perhaps THE greatest. Guy has done a remarkable job
    in bringing the spirit of the original into the orchestral rhelm. At times one comepletely forgets that this is an orchestral library. Scary!
    Way to go Guy.

  • I agree, and really liked these both for bringing the great R. Schumann into prominence here - he is one of the greatest composers ever - and for the huge range of imagination that Guy shows in his variations.