Wow [:)] Without prejudice and with definite respect to all the other great demo makers on the site whom I admire, this has to be the single best Viennna Instruments showcase of them all. If I had to direct somebody to just one demo to give them the best and fullest over view of the library in one package this would be it. Besides the fact that it has so many different textures and really shows the fullness and breadth of the libraries capabilities sonically it's simply extremely well put together, programmed and performed. The sound is great. It also shows your own very creative capabilities in the many different styles you've used. Really fantastic, entertaining for sure! I especially love the last few where they blend the vastly different styles in a way that is really telling a story in a way, even though one doesn't expect it will work, you made it work perfectly (I would say more of that in the future please!). Congratulations!
Best Regards,
Best Regards,