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  • What can i do now?
    I tried to do all you suggested me!
    Why if I turn off realese sample all works fine with Xfade on too?
    At this point I don't believethat my HD or my Mac has some problems.
    All works ok only VI SE with Xfade on don't work properly!
    I'm interested to buy other VI Lybraries, but I must before to solve this problems.
    Tell me

  • >I can solve the problem if I turn off the realese samples, in this way, probably, there are less data to compute!!!!!

    Yes, if you turn off the release samples it drastically reduces the number of active samples and the strain on CPU. Obviously your system can't cope with the number of samples you're trying to use. How much free space is there left on the 140GB Raptor drive? Is the Vienna Instrument installed on a different drive from the samples?

    I still think you should try what I suggested: start a fresh song with only one instance of the VI. Make sure the problem is not happening, then add a second instance. If there is still no problem, add a third instance, and so on until the problem appears. Tell VSL support how many instances it takes to make the problem happen.

  • Hi Conquer,
    the space avable is 51 GB, VI is installated in my system Hd, samples are in another.
    I tried to do what you suggest me.......
    With one istance , no problems, untill five.
    From the sixth starts the errors, if I try to reload samples into VI starts all the errors"I can't open..........", but if I push play or record button, I don't know,the system reorganise itselfs.
    With other sequencers is the same!!!!!!!!!
    In standalone mode no problems, with the same matrix loaded with Xfade and realese on!!!!!!!
    I think that VI goes in confusion when I open many istances and when i play each with Logic in stop, touching Xfade control.
    The test is this:
    Create this:

    Piccolo: 2 cells sustain e staccati
    Flauto: the same
    Oboe: the same
    Corno Inglese only sustain
    Clarinetto: 2 cells sustain e staccati
    Fagotto: 2 cells sustain e staccati
    Trombe sole: 4 cells sustain e staccata, a 2 sustain e staccati
    Corni 4 cells: a 4 sustain e staccati, a8 sustain e staccati
    Tromboni 4 cells: solo sustain e staccato, a3: sustain e staccati
    Tuba: 2 cells sustain e staccati
    Violini: primi: 7 cells: sustain staccato,tremolo,pizzicati,detache,legati
    Violini: secondi: like 1violins (7 cells)
    Viole: like 1violins (7 cells)
    Violoncelli: like 1violins (7 cells)
    Contrabbassi: sustain, staccati,pizzicati

    obviosly XFADE and REALESE ON!

    Play from the first to the end all instruments for half minute- 45 seconds everyone in this way:
    Important Logic in STOP!!!!
    always touching Modwheel (control for Xfade) play fast passages (switching to the cells too) and long bichords, always make crescendo and diminuendo with Xfade-Modwheel.
    Until the fiifth istance no problem but from the sixth, errors..........
    [[[[:(]]]] [[[[:(]]]] [[[[:(]]]] [[[[:(]]]]
    Maya, Marnix tells to me that I'm asking too much from my setup.
    If not help to solve this problem.....
    Please, please
    Conquer, thanks for your gentility

  • Hi Stefano, I use Vienna Instruments on a 2GB PC and don't have VI SE, so unfortunately can't replicate your instrumental set-up. I'm sure VSL support will try their hardest to think of a solution, because if you run into problems using only 6 instances on a computer with 4GB of RAM it does seem to indicate that something is wrong.

    In the meantime, a temporary fix would be to freeze your Logic tracks and/or use your VI's 'learn' and 'optimize' functions so that the instrument only uses the samples which occur in your arrangement - that makes an enormous difference to RAM consumption. If you don't need X-fade on some of the instruments, turn the function off - some cell switches might sound OK without X-Fade. You might also consider temporarily turning the release samples off so you can at least finish programming the arrangement you're working on!

    I hope someone finds a solution so you can use 14 live instances with X-Fade and release samples. VSL's instruments do use a huge amount of 24-bit samples (more of a strain on CPU than the 16-bit Pro Edition / Opus versions), so I guess it's possible you may have to adapt your working method slightly.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks a lot Conquer

  • Hi all, INCREDIBLE with VI 2.0 version all the problems are solved. Thanks Best Steve