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  • Keep in my that DP will offer you 16 midi channels for each VI instrument you open. You can only use channel 1 on each instrument since they are not multi-timbral.

    You may also consider opening the instruments in the V-Rack so they are available to any sequence you are currently running (i.e. you may have three or four sequences in a single DP file and want all your VI's available to every sequence. If you open the instruments in the mixer rather than the V-Rack then they will only be available to the sequence to which the mixer belongs.

    There JWL, parts 1 + 2 of Basic DP (though I probably got something wrong.)

  • Ya done good, Davey M8!

    I hope Sandra is able to move ahead because I've been in her position more times than I care to admit!!

  • If you create one Vienna VI and add all the instruments you need in the matrix you can easily clone the first by holding option and apple key, dragging them to any created VI tracks. Then select one the matrix instruments you wish on and save. Very easy in DP. We love it!

  • Thank you for the responses. The person who said DP 4.5 has problems hit it on the nail. I susequently got some tech support on the phone from ILIO (US distributors) and everything was set up exactly correctly, the VI played and recorded into the DP tracks but for some unknown reason no sound played out.... We conclude that I simply need to upgrade to DP 5. Hopefully it is that simple.

  • 5.11 is their best one yet. A few things are a bit of a nuisance as in any DAW but the stability has come a long way. I eagerly await one more maintenance update but I have been consistently working and creating since I upgraded and really, haven't look back. BTW, I own Nuendo 3 as well and haven't used that once since 5.11.



  • Did you assign the output of the VI to whatever your monitoring output is? You can do this in the tracks window or the channel VI is loaded into in the mixer or V-Rack.

    When the VI player has no output the piano keys at the bottom of the player will not move (if you play from your keyboard or click on them with the mouse.) This is he best way to see if the player has an assigned and/or working output.

  • I am having the same problem. I am using DP 4.61 and Special Edition. VI does not show up as a choice when I create an instrument track.I am very familiar with how to use AU plug-ins - I use MachFive.

    So are you telling me that Vienna Instruments will not work with DP unless I upgrade to DP5? Pleas advise...


  • Q: Is it possible to use Vienna Instruments with Digital Performer?

    A: Yes, it is possible to use the Vienna Instrument player in combination with Digital Performer 4.5 or 5, since DP supports the Audio Unit plug-in format. The supported formats in DP 5 are:
    MAS (MOTU Audio System)
    AU (Audio Units)
    RTAS *
    HTDM *
    TDM *

    Is this false???

  • No but the VSL package you own must have the player. Horizon series does not.

  • i think the answer if the operating system is OS X 10.4.x has not been given yet ....
    also i can remember there have been several AU updates until 10.4.8/9 and there could arise incopatibilities with older versions.

    does the standalone player work? does any AU mager accept the vienna instruments as valid? are the permissions on your system volume verified and if needed repaired?


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi

    yes I'm running OS 10.4.9

    I'll repair permissions...

  • No luck so far. Someone at Ilio told me that I need to install v 1.10 of Special Edition (I installed 1.11) and that support here could point me towards a download.

    Is there anyone here who can help?


    john gromada

  • john - if you can remember who told you this, please let me know (via email or PM) - that's nonsense, you need 1.11 for special edition.

    any answers to my remaining questions?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • This is from [someone] at Ilio:

    Hi John,

    I suggest you email VSL at and have them give you a link
    to Intel Mac Version 1.10 Software Installer for their Vienna Instruments.
    There seems to be an issue with the 1.11 plug-in working in 10.4.9 so this
    may be the solution. Give that a shot. Thanks!

  • Christian - I sent you e-mail with the answers to your questions but I'll repeat:

    I am using OS10.4.9. DP4.61, the standalone player works. I've repaired permissions, I don't know what you mean by "does any AU mager (sic) accept the vienna instruments as valid"

    Thanks for your continued help in trying to solve this.

  • my question for a name was just to get the right information to the right person - not to deface someone ... name edited ...

    sorry if i've overlooked something - i'm not the main mac-supporter here.
    logic has a menu for AU validation, doesn't DP have somthing similar (eg. for plugins)?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Isn't there anyone out there who can help me? I posted e-mail to the main support address and have heard nothing back.

    If you are not the "main-mac supporter" then who is?

    Can you give me some other ideas to try? I'm confused about how support is supposed to work.

    John Gromada

  • john, another thing comes into my mind: possibly you just ran out of demo starts? pleas check the state of licenses in your license control center and let me know - i'm preparing demo licenses for extended libraries meanwhile ...

    also please try the following: reboot - re-install vienna instruments software 1.11 *without opening something related to licenses*

    if we do not siuccedd we had to manually uninstall VI in another round ...

    ps: its friday night already in vienna, so maya from our mac support might not be available currently ....

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Christian - when I tried to reinstall the software I got the message: "there were errors when installing the software. Please try again" Is there an easy way to uninstall and try to reinstall it?

    I have 179 demo starts left, but I do have my Vienna Key successfully installed and the standalone seems to work OK.

    In Performer I don't think there is any way to check for AU validation.

  • Go to Library. Open preferences folder. locate and open the digital performer folder. put the audio unit info cache file in the trash.
    Now launch digital performer which will go through it's audio unit examination. this will let you know if any audio units are damaged or ok.
    Good luck.