Im a Pro Edition user and have long loved my legato tool woodwinds etc. Having just acquired the VSL Special Edition I am completely blown away. Amazing value. The velocity sensitive legatos, the ease of use of the Vienna Instrument and the memory efficiency. I had my pro edition spread over three machines and each legato articulation takes a massive chuck of memory. But I have just opened 23 instances of the Vienna Instrument running all major articulations and legatos of each instrument in a single mac G5 2ghz DP using just over 2gbs of RAM. The machines CPU is chocking a bit in DP5.1 but I turn off a few tracks and it's fine.
The lack of multitimbrality in the Vienna Instrument seems a bit odd and having one dongle means you can only run SE on one machine but the range and quality of sound is utterly awesome.
The lack of multitimbrality in the Vienna Instrument seems a bit odd and having one dongle means you can only run SE on one machine but the range and quality of sound is utterly awesome.